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Diposting: 19 Mar 2015 @ 5:57pm

This is easily the best FPS I've played in quite some time. FPS games that are all carbon copies of each other and "controller friendly" is the order of the day these days. But not this game. If you attempt to pull the three shots to the nuts that people pull in Call of Duty, Battlefiled and the other copy/paste war games you will do quite horribly in this game. This game is very much like Return to Castle Wolfenstein/Enemey Territory (and made by the company who created ET) with character unlocks that works similar to League of Legends. So far it's been quite good for a beta and I've dropped almost 40 hours into it over two different weekends when the beta was live.

You will enjoy this game if you like:
1. A game where aim matters and shooting for heads is required to excel
2. A game built with mouse/keyboard in mind and doesn't have a "press this button to do a cool animation"
3. A game where movement is just as important as aim. You can jump off walls to reach new areas. Yup, it's awesome
4. Class based team combat with "Mercs" to unlock LoL-style
5. Multiple objectives per map to complete on offense before you then switch to defense and hold those objectives
6. 5v5 ranked system at launch

You will hate this game if you:
1. Enjoy proning. Seriously, F every single one of you guys
2. Enjoy unloading a magazine in 1.5 seconds and hitting a guy in the nuts with 3 of those sprayed bullets across the map with your SMG for the kill
3. Enjoy only shooting people and dislike objectives beyond shooting people
4. Do not like jumping in videogames
5. Hate skillful movement beyond "running lanes". If you want to only press forward to move then this is not the game for you

So far I would recommend it. It's going to be free to play when it's released and as long as the devs avoid any of the more notorious free to play strategies then I'll support it.

The next beta will be soon :)
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1 Komentar
MissMurder 27 Mar 2015 @ 9:57am 
Thank you so much for the great feedback! And wow to 34.8 hours! You rock dude!