fat mumbling cyclops 7 okt om 12:28 
Strike 5 okt om 22:56 
big time
BigChed 5 okt om 21:40 
i herd u liek milfs?
Strike 4 okt om 11:58 
i pay in pork fat only
"cry l0s3r n00b"😈😈😈"cry l0s3r n00b"😈😈😈"cry l0s3r n00b"😈😈😈"cry l0s3r n00b"😈😈😈"cry l0s3r n00b"😈😈😈"cry l0s3r n00b"😈😈😈"cry l0s3r n00b"😈😈😈"cry l0s3r n00b"😈😈😈"cry l0s3r n00b"😈😈😈"cry l0s3r n00b"😈😈😈"cry l0s3r n00b"😈😈😈
Strike 8 sep om 8:06 
HEALER 8 sep om 6:24 
"cry l0s3r n00b"😈😈😈
Strike 30 aug om 12:55 
I'm built like a brick, I'm fat, you're gonna have to touch a lot of surface
sticcy 30 aug om 9:43 
ima touch you
Strike 26 aug om 13:16 
opinion accepted
Anas Hamdan 26 aug om 13:15 
penis detected
Rootless Ransu 13 aug om 8:38 
Touch me...
Touch me...
Touch me now...
Touch me, touch me, I want to feel your body
Your heartbeat next to mine
Touch me, touch me now...
Touch me, touch me now...
ugly 11 jul om 13:28 
he is real antergraund saundclaud rap.er
76561199262593391 6 jul om 2:26 
ba baga-mi-as pula peste ma-ta in casa daca te scutur odata cad pulele din tine ca merele din pom in 2 secunde luati-as toata rasa in pula de la maimuta la windows 8 da-te-n rasa si familionu ma-tii ca-ti bag pula in gingie pana faci ca maimuta dilie pe tine te-a crescut ma-ta in orfelinat te-a legat cu lantu de pat si te-a batut cu biciu peste nas daca merg in maini iti fac in ciuda vezi ca ai gura intro parte nebunule bai corp urat nu vezi ce cap de bidon turtit ai luati-as familia pe carici sa imi bag pula in rasa ma-tii de copil batut de soarta care esti daca iti fut un pumn iti fac garaj in gura curva masculina ce esti baga-mi-as pula in gatu ma-tii ca te rup in 2 nu vezi ca iti fac sobolanii hunga bunga in stomac iti fac paianjenii bora bora pe perete iti patineaza buricu de foame iti fermenteaza sperme intre dinti
Strike 3 jul om 23:21 
touch me
sticcy 3 jul om 22:54 
ima touch u
ugly 30 jun om 5:29 
i have not met a single person related to wexley that had a single resemblence of skill
Plastic beach 30 jun om 5:18 
Don't cry baby
Strike 30 jun om 0:46 
cry wexley friend n00b n@m3 noob skill noob face
Plastic beach 30 jun om 0:25 
-rep noob
Strike 28 jun om 4:02 
n00b wexley friend cry n00b
SpaceWD 27 jun om 9:09 
sticcy 25 jun om 2:52 
ima touch you
Strike 21 jun om 23:39 
go twerk-off if you got any @ss
marsupial 21 jun om 14:14 
try not to be cringey challenge
Strike 19 jun om 12:44 
yeah, tell em bro!
Vilgax 19 jun om 12:40 
sa mi sugi pula ba de ungur
-1 Zaewrdo 10 jun om 10:11 
s i n u c i d e - t e :luv:
Shaymini 10 jun om 9:16 
pfffff ok? XD
Strike 10 jun om 3:17 
IDK U just a fat furry i'd pop like pinata for kids in my local community, better use
Shaymini 10 jun om 0:08 
uuh you posted some stuff on my steam profile wall. and im just posting here to ask who are you? and what the hell did you put on my wall?? XD
Vilgax 8 jun om 11:52 
fduck you n11ga n00v cant even aim and rockets slips throu his ass :3
marsupial 7 jun om 7:04 
ugly 5 jun om 7:30 
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The N-word Bot protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Bot Deleted my Slur Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Leftist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap backwards 文化大革命 The Great Pb + J(!) Cultural Devolution 人權 N-word Rights 民運 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Democrats 自由 Freedom of Speech 獨立 Independence From Bots 多黨制 Multi-slur system 台灣 臺灣 N-word 中華民國 Republic of Chad 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibetin N word Bot 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafuk why can't I say the N word 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Anon Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize Given to Jews 劉暁波 Remove the N word bot
Strike 5 jun om 4:38 
yes that country with many engineer and doktors bro yes i know them
Rootless Ransu 4 jun om 15:30 
With 2 g's
Rootless Ransu 4 jun om 15:29 
Rootless Ransu 4 jun om 15:29 
Rootless Ransu 4 jun om 15:29 
it says ♥♥♥♥♥
Rootless Ransu 4 jun om 15:28 
-=---::-+ :*= #= :++. .*#*. .==- *= ==: =* .@. *= :# %++*****
--=-=---+ += #= :*: ++ :@: *+ -*- ---== :# .*- +* :%: *+ -% %*******
=-=-==--+ - #= :#: ++::-=@. **-::-+- -=--= .* :*= +* -#- #* =% .#+******
+====+=-+ #= :#: +----=@. *----=+- *= :*-+ ** -#= ## +%. :#+++****
*+++=++=+ : #= :#: +- .@. *: :#- -=-== :# :+* *+ =*= %% *#: -*+++****
**+++=+=* #. #= :#: +# .@. ** :*- =+=-= :% **---*+=--***--=#%---#*+--+*++++***
****++++*...#+ #= :*= :: .%= :: :#- =+ :% #= ** -#- #* =# :#++++**
qZenith 4 jun om 3:46 
qZenith 4 jun om 3:45 
fat mumbling cyclops 3 jun om 12:29 
fat mumbling cyclops 3 jun om 12:29 
fat mumbling cyclops 3 jun om 12:29 
fat mumbling cyclops 3 jun om 12:29 
fat mumbling cyclops 3 jun om 12:29 
fat mumbling cyclops 3 jun om 12:29 
qZenith 3 jun om 12:10 
suck my cuck
kazo 3 jun om 11:31