Baghdad, Iraq
OPIUM ganG 4evr **/ No Stylist *+ VISUALS *^!
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plAyboi cArti s@vED my liFE
iM n0t hIgh RigHt now and i HavEnt smoked tr33 in sEvEral m0nths. lonGesT break ivE had fr0m it and tbh Im n0t even rEally a f@n of it. it was just a g00d resort when me @nd my homeBoy goT bor3d.-+*

i hav3 a $uper weak brain (schizophrenia) so ive never d3v3loped a tolEr@nce 4 tRee and tbh a strong bud high f33ls liKe a dmt high wiThout sOme oF the maJoR perception ♥♥♥♥ and im s3ri0us about that ♥♥♥♥. lsd/pcp aiNt* $hit to w33d for me. $piritual. all my cr0diEs tell me im a lucky as$ bastArd because i alWays tr1p ♥♥♥♥♥♥** b@lls only aft3r taking 2 ♥♥♥♥♥♥ puffs of gra$$.

!pr3s3ntly i hark b@ck to the t1me wh3r3 i first hEArd “dothatshit!” by playboi carti!!+ and i Was ClonKed h@rd aS ♥♥♥♥ bruv… in a matter of 60 minutes i c@me to the conclusion that playboi carti had saved my life and cURed me of a prEexiStinG crack addiction after i ODd (sUrvived thAT nighT by* eaTing wasabi alMonDs cuz+ theyre good for the heart!!).

aNyWAys disCov3ring playboi carti!*+ felt paraLLEL to wHat “finding the light” w0uld b3 likE 4 a cHristian or s0me sh1t with g0d-aTrOn or wh@tevr. im chill*!!// i love playboi carti//...
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YetimSiken 16 Dec @ 11:33am 
go touch the grass ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pscyho
Delarn 16 Nov @ 7:04am 
reliable game changer
Agahelm 14 Oct @ 10:12am 
karover CSGOSKINS 7 Oct @ 10:58am 
+rep good player
уебише лакерное чтоб твоя семья умерла в страшных муках
Crimson Peaks 19 Sep @ 7:36am 
норм катнули + REP