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Ching Chong Bong 27 iun. la 5:26 
He started with the sister thingy. better watch out, better dont cry later guys hahahaha!
smxx 8 mai la 7:44 
-rep I was the teammate he shot
Lloyd Frontera 7 mai la 23:17 
+rep shoot own teammate but carry the game , but still im better
smxx 19 apr. la 22:05 
██████╗██████╔╝█████╗░░██████╔╝░ FOR PLANTING BOMBS REGULARLY!!!
Ching Chong Bong 12 oct. 2023 la 3:57 
God of Clutches! +++Rep
smxx 8 iun. 2023 la 9:40 
+rep optimum pride