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Seneste anmeldelser af Afeminoia

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64.3 timer registreret i alt (52.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
An AMAZING action RPG with a very interesting story and a great set of characters. Exploring the island feels never ending and it's pure fun.
I remember being very annoyed by the non stopping cutscenes and over explanations of the events in the first or maybe second hours of gameplay, but after that I'd say it's one of those games that are just pure fun and I never got tired of it anymore.
This game is deeply character driven and all characters are great. Some sexism here and there but I got surprised that the female characters are literally the best characters in the entire game (something very rare for a japanese production). So many strong female characters, and the male characters are really cute and nice as well.
The main issue for me is the abusive use of invisible walls. You never know when you can jump across a small ledge or not. The difficulty is also kind of unbalanced, some enemies take too long to be killed even though it's pretty impossible to get a game over. Still, the gameplay is so good you can easily get past that.
Skrevet: 6. november 2021.
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100.3 timer registreret i alt (56.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Sometimes placed as #1 in the series, FFX is a pretty complete JRPG experience. Its battle is perfectly balanced, featuring mechanics unique for its kind. The storytelling is awesome and the world of Spira is beautiful, and every character has its moments and they share great chemistry with each other. Compared to other game in the series, FFX is pretty linear, but you can still explore and go back to wherever you want most of the time. Overall, a must-have for JRPG fans.
I still haven't played FFX-2, and I didn't play it on the PS2 either, but when I get there I might review it again.
Skrevet: 24. oktober 2020.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
18.5 timer registreret i alt
This game is totally recomendable, but to me its flaws are just unbearable. As much as it has great features, it still has many bad main mechanics. It forces you to fight all the time when the game's combat is just horrible.
Skrevet: 22. august 2020.
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56.9 timer registreret i alt (39.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Clearly one of the weakest in the series, but still worth the time. Just like any great japanese series ruined by americanization.
The story is great, although the way they chose to tell it was not great. You can easily finish the game without understanding the whole 'Cie thing because they make a terrible job at explaining it, and also come up with similar names for concepts they barely develop throughout the game. However, the characters are much better than what I expected and I eventually got into the narrative.
When I first heard the criticism toward FFXIII being too linear, I had no idea it would be THAT linear. You rarely get the chance to go back to an area after you advanced it, and usually the areas are just long corridors. I guess it's a safe way to tell the story of a game for lazy americans, though.
The battle system is a mixed bag also. Great potential, but also tried too hard to be easy for lazy americans to understand. Too much IA, very little element of decision, and a failed attempt to make a "real-time arena battle" when your IA bad and poorly responsive. Ends up being too frustrating and you die a lot because they tried to pretend you should be quick when the characters are too slow. Also, crystal engine was CLEARLY undeveloped by then.
Overall, one of my least favorites in the series, but not unplayable. And if you're lazy for RPGs, you should probably play it, especially because Square Enix made this game specially for you.
Skrevet: 22. august 2020.
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144.4 timer registreret i alt (75.7 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Arguably the best overall game in the series, although not my personal favorite. Best presentation, amazing level designs, best bosses, best narrative and just best moments in general. IMO it's annoying to play it right now because there's too many people playing it and you might get too many invasions, which might be bad for new players. Also, this game didn't learn much about gameplay and balanced mechanics from DS2, but it's still better than DS1 in that matter.
Skrevet: 3. august 2020.
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100.2 timer registreret i alt (69.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Clearly the black sheep of the bunch. Dark Souls is one of the most successful and influential series of the last generations, but ask any fan who's played all of them and they'll say many different things about each installment. Many of my friends say this is the worst game in the series, but for me it is the best.
Not one of the Souls games is free of criticism, and that's a fact. There's no perfect Souls game. However, IMO both DS1 and DS3 had much more frustation moments because of core gameplay elements and balance. Some self-called hadcore gamers may complain this is the most accessible game in the series but it doesn't make any sense to criticise that. A well balanced game is a good game.
Skrevet: 3. august 2020.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
19.7 timer registreret i alt (13.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Amazing pixel art visuals, perfect game feel & flow, beautiful immersive world, difficulty on point and addictive gameplay. One of the best platformers of the last generations.
Skrevet: 30. marts 2020.
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