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1-10/11개 항목을 표시 중
25명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
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기록상 0.0시간
This game is so bad and bombarded that you can't express it in words, to unlock weapons you have to do daily "challenges", to unlock attachments you have to do daily challenges and to unlock killstreaks you have to... Right also daily challenges make. However, you can speed up this process if you purchase a weapon "Blueprint" using real money.
Unfortunately, zombie mode is CTRL+V (but so is the rest of the game) and even worse than the copy paste from Call of Duty Cold War.
But it's a shame that this title "Call of Duty" is catapulted into ruins

Well, you know
2024년 4월 18일에 게시되었습니다.
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12명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 0.6시간
앞서 해보기 평가
Big Scam!!!!!!!

"As a long-time player and fan of video games, my excitement for the day before was hard to contain. Unfortunately, that excitement was quickly replaced by disappointment and frustration. The game promised a lot, but failed to deliver in many ways.

Graphically, the day before may seem impressive at first glance, but that shine quickly fades as you delve deeper into the world. The environments are repetitive, textures are constantly repeated, and the character models appear clunky and unappealing. It's hard not to feel bored by the monotony of the game world.

The plot is another weak point. Instead of presenting a compelling and original story, the day before clings to tired clichés and offers little that is new. The character development remains superficial, and the dialogue is often predictable and uninspired. It seems like an attempt has been made to tell a story that has already been told a thousand times without refreshing or improving it.
2023년 12월 20일에 게시되었습니다.
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21명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 64.6시간 (평가 당시 63.6시간)
"The Division 2" ist ein actiongeladenes Videospiel, das sich nahtlos in das Genre der Online-Open-World-Shooter einfügt. Als Fortsetzung des erfolgreichen ersten Teils bietet das Spiel eine fesselnde Spielerfahrung in einem postapokalyptischen Washington D.C. Die folgende Rezension beleuchtet verschiedene Aspekte des Spiels.

Grafik und Design:
Die visuelle Präsentation von "The Division 2" ist beeindruckend. Die detailreiche Nachbildung von Washington D.C. in einer von der Gesellschaft zerfallenen Welt ist atemberaubend. Die Umgebungen sind vielfältig gestaltet, von verlassenen Gebäuden bis zu überwucherten Straßen. Die Charaktermodelle sind gut animiert, und die grafischen Effekte tragen zur Immersion bei.

Das Gameplay von "The Division 2" ist intensiv und anspruchsvoll. Die Kämpfe sind taktisch, und die Feinde sind klug und herausfordernd. Die Integration von Teamarbeit ist entscheidend, und das Spiel belohnt die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Spielern. Die Vielfalt der Waffen und Ausrüstungen ermöglicht es den Spielern, ihren Spielstil anzupassen und ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern.

Handlung und Atmosphäre:
Die Handlung des Spiels setzt die Geschichte des ersten Teils fort und bietet eine fesselnde Erzählung über den Zusammenbruch der Gesellschaft. Die Atmosphäre ist düster und beklemmend, was die postapokalyptische Stimmung verstärkt. Die Quests und Missionen sind gut durchdacht und tragen zur Entwicklung der Geschichte bei.

Multiplayer und Endgame:
Der Multiplayer-Aspekt von "The Division 2" ist herausragend. Spieler können sich zusammenschließen, um Missionen zu meistern, oder in PvP-Gefechten gegeneinander antreten. Das Endgame bietet eine Fülle von Aktivitäten, die die Spieler langfristig motivieren. Die regelmäßigen Updates und Erweiterungen sorgen für anhaltende Abwechslung und neue Herausforderungen.

Technische Aspekte:
Die Serverstabilität und Performance von "The Division 2" sind in der Regel solide. Gelegentliche Fehler und Bugs können jedoch auftreten, aber das Entwicklerteam hat sich bemüht, diese mit Patches zu beheben.

"The Division 2" ist eine beeindruckende Fortsetzung, die sowohl in grafischer Hinsicht als auch im Gameplay überzeugt. Die gelungene Kombination aus anspruchsvollen Kämpfen, einer fesselnden Handlung und einem umfangreichen Multiplayer-Modus macht das Spiel zu einem Muss für Fans von Online-Actionspielen. Trotz einiger technischer Probleme bietet "The Division 2" ein packendes Erlebnis in einer faszinierenden postapokalyptischen Welt.
2023년 11월 24일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 54.3시간 (평가 당시 40.1시간)
Starfield, the galactic adventure from Bethesda Softworks, is like the secret flirtation between a spaceship and a coffee cup. The graphics are so sharp you could almost cut a meteorite on them. The planets look like someone invited the Milky Way's best painters to a cosmic art party.

But wait, when we're talking about Starfield, we can't ignore how hot Sarah Morgan is! She could make a supernova green with envy. When Sarah lands in a spaceship, the aliens are probably thinking, "Wow, are we in the VIP section of the galaxy now?"

And then there's the gameplay - it's so addictive that even the aliens are trying to get their hands on a copy on Earth. Pilot your spaceship like a boss and let the galaxy know that you're not only good-looking, but also a gifted spaceman.

But let's get back to Sarah Morgan. When she plays Starfield, the spaceships are so impressed that they volunteer to repair themselves. "Oh, Sarah is nearby? I want to look my best!" is probably what every spaceship in the area is thinking.

Overall, Starfield is a journey through the universe where you not only reach the stars, but also into the hearts of the players. And when you embark on this adventure with Sarah Morgan, the cosmos will never be the same again! Let's conquer the stars together, with a smile on our faces and Sarah Morgan by our side. It will be a trip that is intergalactic, fun and simply awesome!
2023년 10월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 147.0시간 (평가 당시 78.3시간)
As a longtime Overwatch fan, I had high expectations for Overwatch 2, but unfortunately they were disappointed in a disappointing way. It seems like Blizzard Entertainment has completely lost the charm and freshness of the first part.
The matchmaking system is also a disaster. Instead of putting together fairly balanced teams, you often end up with matches that are either one-sided or frustratingly unbalanced. This leads to frustration and takes away the fun of the game.
and the community is really toxic
2023년 8월 21일에 게시되었습니다.
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5명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 195.0시간 (평가 당시 97.6시간)
Metal Gear Solid V ist ohne Zweifel ein absolutes Meisterwerk, das sich nahtlos in die legendäre Metal Gear-Reihe einfügt. Mit atemberaubender Grafik, bahnbrechender Gameplay-Mechanik und einer tiefgründigen Story hat das Spiel die Erwartungen der Fans übertroffen und neue Standards für das Stealth-Action-Genre gesetzt.

Die offene Welt von MGS V ist atemberaubend gestaltet und bietet eine unglaubliche Vielfalt an Möglichkeiten. Die Freiheit, wie man Missionen angeht, ist beispiellos und ermöglicht den Spielern, ihre eigenen taktischen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Ob es darum geht, lautlos in die feindlichen Reihen einzudringen oder mit beeindruckendem Waffeneinsatz vorzugehen, das Spiel belohnt verschiedene Herangehensweisen und Spielstile.

Die Gameplay-Mechanik ist einfach brillant. Die Stealth-Elemente sind komplex und herausfordernd, und die Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung von Ausrüstung und Waffen ermöglichen es den Spielern, ihren Charakter auf ihre bevorzugte Spielweise zuzuschneiden. Die Einführung der "Fulton Extraktion" zur Rekrutierung von feindlichem Personal und Ressourcen fügt eine einzigartige taktische Ebene hinzu, die den Wiederspielwert erheblich steigert.

Die Geschichte von MGS V ist tiefgründig und fesselnd. Kojima Productions ist bekannt für komplexe Handlungsstränge und Charakterentwicklungen, und dieses Spiel ist keine Ausnahme. Die emotionale Reise von Venom Snake, begleitet von tiefgründigen politischen Intrigen und moralischen Fragen, zieht die Spieler in den Bann und regt zum Nachdenken an.

Die Grafik und Soundkulisse des Spiels sind beeindruckend. Die Detailgenauigkeit der Charaktermodelle und Umgebungen sowie die dynamische Wetter- und Lichteffekte tragen zur Immersion bei und lassen die Spielwelt lebendig wirken. Der Soundtrack ist meisterhaft komponiert und trägt zur Atmosphäre bei, indem er Spannung und Emotionen perfekt einfängt.

i love Hideo Kojima Storys
2023년 8월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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18명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
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기록상 155.4시간 (평가 당시 75.2시간)
Judy Alvarez from "Cyberpunk 2077" is undoubtedly an intriguing and extremely attractive character that will capture the attention of gamers. Her unique blend of charisma, confidence and creative style makes her a truly hot and unforgettable character.

Her looks are simply stunning. The colorful hair, the creative tattoos and the individual style of clothing give her an aura of individuality and self-expression. She perfectly embodies the cyberpunk aesthetic and draws everyone's attention.

Judy's eyes are absolutely mesmerizing and radiate intelligence. Her deep personality is reflected in her looks and shows that she has more to offer than just outer beauty. Her easygoing demeanor and smile give her an easy elegance that makes her all the more appealing.

However, what really gets Judy hot is her passion and commitment to her beliefs. She champions social justice and change, which makes her a character who impresses not only on the outside, but also because of her inner values. Her ability to stay optimistic and help others despite the dark world of Cyberpunk 2077 makes her a character to admire.

The interactions and relationships one can develop in-game with Judy add even more depth to her attractiveness. Her openness and her emotional commitment in these moments make her a character that is not only admired, but also dear to your heart.

Judy Alvarez 11/10
2023년 8월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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35명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 267.3시간 (평가 당시 222.4시간)
Unfortunately, the 2022 remake of Modern Warfare 2 is an example of how a classic can't necessarily get better. As a fan of the original, I was excited for the remake, but was ultimately let down by some of the choices and changes.

One of the main problems of the remake is the overhaul of the plot. While the original told an intense, emotionally charged story, the reinterpretation seemed watered down and less compelling in many aspects. Some key moments and character development were tightened or altered, causing the emotional connection to the characters and storyline to decrease.

The gameplay design also left a mixed impression. While retaining some elements of the original, the remake added some modern mechanics that didn't always fit seamlessly into the overall look. The shift to a more modern era brought some changes in the nature of warfare that weren't always in keeping with the game's original tone. This spoiled the authentic feel of the original.

Another frustrating element was the technical implementation. While one would expect a remake to improve graphics and performance, the game struggled with a number of technical issues. From bugs to crashes, the game felt unfinished and immature in many places.

Finally, the decision to integrate microtransactions and in-game purchases more into the remake was a disappointment. This practice degraded the gaming experience and resulted in a sense of selling out rather than respecting the original experience.

Only campaign is not worth recommending otherwise please do better with mw3
2023년 8월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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9명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
4명이 이 평가가 재미있다고 함
기록상 99.7시간 (평가 당시 89.1시간)
In Resident Evil 4 remake, Ada Wong displays a stunning presence that takes her iconic appeal to a new level. It's hard to miss how incredibly hot she looks in this game.

Her look is simply seductive. The straight, jet black hair falls perfectly over her shoulders and emphasizes her striking face. Her eyes radiate intelligence and a mysterious attraction that just won't let you go. And then her style - she carries her outfits with so much elegance and confidence that it's hard not to get caught up in her aura.

But it's not just the looks that make Ada Wong so hot. Her aura of intelligence and assertiveness are also extremely attractive. She is not only a woman of exceptional beauty, but also of exceptional ability. Her skills as a spy and her sense of tactics make her a character to be admired.

The interactions between Ada and Leon bring an intriguing dynamic to the game. Their enigmatic connection and the way they support each other in dangerous situations add an extra emotional layer that only enhances their attractiveness.

All in all, Ada Wong is a real eye-catcher in the Resident Evil 4 remake. Her outward beauty combined with her intelligence and mysterious nature make her a character to be remembered. In the world of gaming, she undoubtedly remains one of the hottest and most intriguing characters ever created.
2023년 8월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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10명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 97.5시간
OMG, guys, could we have a moment for Claire Redfield, please? I mean, helloooo, she's just super pretty, isn't she?! 😍🔥 I can't help but rave about their style game. Her look is just totally fresh and cool.

First of all, her hair? These curly vibes are easy to fall in love with. It's like, "Hey, I've got the perfect mix of adventure and elegance!" And her eyes, OMG, they have that glow that puts you in a good mood right away.

But it's not just her looks that rock, folks! It's their attitude. Claire is such a powerful woman who doesn't let anything get her down. She goes through crises and still remains strong and positive. That's just super impressive. And you know what? This strength makes them even hotter. Who doesn't find that totally attractive?

And guys, can we talk about her smile? It's like an instant happy boost. Honestly, when Claire laughs, it feels like the sun is coming out no matter how grim the situation is. Your smile is so contagious, I swear!

So, in summary: Claire Redfield is not only a visual treat, but also an absolute badass babe. She has the style, the attitude and the charisma that simply blows you away. Who needs Hollywood stars when we have Claire in the gaming world
2023년 8월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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