Denis Farr   Chicago, Illinois, United States
:sony_lasombra: Your average dual citizen of Germany and the US who happens to spit rainbows. :vahlen:
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46 horas jugadas
Gods, this game. The PC port at the moment is a bit unfortunate (I used the FAR patch with little issue), but the game itself is quite worth it. Following NieR, I wondered how this one would tug at my heartstrings, but it does manage it with quite a bit of pluck, and the addition of Platinum for the fighting means that the combat and gameplay no longer hinders my enjoyment.

Highly recommend you get through at least ending E.
ragnarhedin 6 MAR 2016 a las 19:42 
(for badge)
Ewokalypse 17 JUN 2015 a las 15:26 
Thanks for the advice!
Ewokalypse 17 JUN 2015 a las 13:27 
Never Alone: worth it at $6?
Ewokalypse 29 ENE 2013 a las 20:54 
I have played Digital--I liked it, but preferred DTIPBIJAYS.
Ewokalypse 2 ENE 2013 a las 18:43 
Thanks for hyping Analogue: A Hate Story; it was pretty good. I hadn't realized until I started playing it that it was by the same person who did "Don't take it personally, babe; it just ain't your story," which I had been quite impressed by at the time.
dapneym 29 DIC 2012 a las 16:36 
*nungs* :D