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Wallpaper Engine

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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
Games and Toys
Collection by seekay
All wallpapers I made that can be considered games or toys
Ultrawide Wallpapers
Collection by seekay
Wallpapers that have either been created specifically for ultrawide or also work in ultrawide. Every wallpaper will fit a 21:9 aspect ratio screen perfectly in either "cover" or "fill" allignment.
Essential Assets
Collection by seekay
The best and most essential assets on the Workshop.
seekay Portfolio
Collection by seekay
Only my very best wallpapers Fully animated, customizable, well optimized and usually 4K. Each one has days of work put into it.
Collection by seekay
A collection of media visualizer wallpapers. They all share the same style and a lot of assets but feature a variety of music media. Each one is made from scratch by using a reference image to create a depth map, which is then turned into a normal map usin
Labor of Love
Collection by seekay
ONLY High Quality Wallpapers No specific genre, style or theme. Only wallpapers that clearly had love and time put into them.
Collection by seekay
All my Valorant cinematic wallpapers.
Per page: 9 18 30