!!! This is a DAB free environment. No dabbing or vaping in this household. !!!

I used to play KZ.

128 Tick:-
[KZ] LJ: 280.35 units [8 Strafes | 274 Pre | 362 Max | 56 Height | 90% Sync] PB

[KZ] Desig jumped 280.4816 units with a LongJump [8 Strafes | 275.351 Pre | 365 Max | Height 56.9 | 83% Sync | CrouchJump: yes | -Forward: yes]
#. Sync Gained Lost MaxSpeed AirTime
1. 71% 7.677 0.000 283.028 8%
2. 86% 14.438 0.000 297.466 12%
3. 92% 12.723 0.000 310.190 12%
4. 83% 12.407 0.364 322.234 11%
5. 93% 14.564 0.689 336.108 13%
6. 85% 11.322 0.214 347.216 12%
7. 92% 11.207 0.000 358.424 11%
8. 62% 6.587 0.000 365.012 15%

102.4 Tick:-
[KZ] LJ: 273.27 units [8 Strafes | 276 Pre | 357 Max | 56 Height | 85% Sync] PB

[KZ] Designated ♥♥♥♥♥♥ jumped 273.2727 units with a LongJump [8 Strafes | 276.064 Pre | 357 Max | Height 56.9 | 85% Sync | CrouchJump: yes | -Forward: yes]
#. Sync Gained Lost MaxSpeed AirTime
1. 86% 9.360 0.000 285.424 10%
2. 90% 11.692 0.000 297.116 12%
3. 80% 10.290 0.000 307.407 17%
4. 89% 9.421 0.000 316.828 6%
5. 83% 11.305 0.000 328.133 15%
6. 88% 8.144 0.000 336.278 10%
7. 73% 8.965 0.000 345.243 13%
8. 92% 12.131 0.000 357.375 15%
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Recent Activity
1,034 hrs on record
last played on 28 Dec
13.4 hrs on record
last played on 28 Dec
3,936 hrs on record
last played on 27 Dec
Beazedor 25 Dec @ 10:40am 
+rep valuable player
penetratorシ 2 Dec @ 1:43pm 
trash kid
運 tv/erikene32 氣 13 Oct @ 11:47am 
tupoe uebiwe
Johnny 13 Oct @ 9:59am 
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Zulkigis 9 Oct @ 10:15am 
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Neyaa_ 6 Oct @ 8:23am 
no 64 tick stats ??