Zombikaza   United States
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Satanic Hispanic 2 окт. в 9:41 
This guy played Destiny with a girl who promised to touch his peepee, then cucked him, so if you ever feel like taking advantage of him you know what to do.
CosmicXSolitude 30 авг. в 18:37 
____I Know ____________________######____
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Dak 30 авг. в 9:42 
This guy has seen as much action as my left hand. If you are into all things furry related this is your guy. He would love nothing more than you to put a tail in his bum. He once left a butt plug in for 30 days just to try and break a Guinness world record. Superior dedication. Inferior gaming ability. If you want someone that couldn't play mario cart look no further. 0\10 stars