One day Zhuangzi dreamed that he was a butterfly.
The butterfly fluttered merrily, not knowing that it was Zhuangzi.
When Zhuangzi woke up, he could not understand whether he had dreamed that he was a butterfly, or whether the butterfly was now dreaming that she was Zhuangzi.
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depressed kinder máj. 15., 19:44 
小吉 ápr. 7., 14:30 
seks <3
Anarchist 2023. aug. 16., 18:09 
plays well) positive and good person) definitely +rep :steamthumbsup::Agata:
VENNI09 2023. ápr. 17., 15:29 
+rep good player <3
belali • SatgunN 2023. ápr. 16., 13:59 
+rep big guy
Me 2023. márc. 7., 18:11 
+rep, позитивный человек :)