Glasgow, Glasgow City, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
:Molag: Argonian Necromancer :Molag:
:Molag: Certified Scalie Trash :Molag:
:Molag: Sanguinare Vampiris :Molag:
:Molag: Horror Fanatic :Molag:
:Molag: Scottish :Molag:
The Elder Scrolls Online
5 1
Never before have i played a game as emotionally gripping as this one. The journey you take with the main character through her story, her fights, her struggles, her pain. The undertones and the message this game conveys to you is very artistically done. The storytelling is great and the game play was fun and challenging.

I'll also be honest. This game, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, broke me. I felt every battle i fought as a resemblance to my own anxiety and depression I've faced along the course of my life. Every demon inside my mind I've fought through fear and determination to be different. Physically and mentally scarred head to toe, for years I've been scared of who i am. I thought i was a monster. That the world would be a beautiful place without people like me. Towards the end i grew tired of constantly fighting the battle going on inside my own mind. Tired of the pain.. tired of being, well.. Tired. My lesson was literally identical to Senua's in this story. Let go, stop fighting yourself. Accept your reality for what it is and move on with your life because the only demons you're trying to kill are the ones within yourself. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ top notch game and i do not think i will ever in my life find a game i really enjoyed as much as this one. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ artistic masterpiece.
11月4日 に最後にプレイ
10月10日 に最後にプレイ
10月9日 に最後にプレイ
Drakons 2023年12月3日 0時20分 
Typhek 2023年11月26日 7時35分 
psycho mantis 2022年7月10日 10時22分 
+rep cute kate <3
PrincessLx 2022年5月31日 13時22分 
+rep scottishhh
LuciusLuc 2021年9月8日 17時25分 
+rep was my hero
iTzGrimReaper 2021年8月12日 10時12分 
-rep idk why