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过去 2 周 0.0 小时 / 总时数 11,710.6 小时 (评测时 1,695.0 小时)
发布于:2016 年 11 月 25 日 上午 8:46
更新于:2017 年 6 月 25 日 下午 7:31

With quarterly updates and bug fixes occurring on a continual basis, this game will become the Theme Park Building Game of the Century! But unfortunately, at this time, this game suffers from some GPU usage. You can correct this by limiting about 5000 guests in the park management menu. Planet Coaster is one of the best theme park building games out there and Frontier did an amazing job of putting it together, but it does have a few issues here and there.

As far as building blueprints, it is one of the best games to build pretty much anything you can think of. From Star Ships to X-Wing and Tie Fighters, from Cinderella's Castle to Fantasy Dreams, from Pirates to Main Street, this game has everything you need to build the 'Theme' blueprint ride of your dreams.

However with that said, the stream workshop needs some work. It is somewhat unorganized, and with now over 120,000 thousand items, it can take hours to browse through all the creations to find items your interested in unless you are specific to as what you are looking for in the search engine. I do wish that Frontier had a better way for you to organize the blueprints you download in your game. They do provide a search tool and filters for blueprints which does help. They have upped the blueprint pieces count to 4000 and allowed you to include thrill rides and roller coaster in your blueprints which helps a lot but you still can't save path or queue with your blueprint, although exit and entrances are savable.

The terrain tools are some of the best ever put into a game from sculpturing mountains to creating huge bodies of water with all the waterfalls you want to throw in. The Music and Soundtrack make the game just enjoyable to listen too, not to mention the sound effects from roller coasters speeding by on tracks to plopping building pieces, deserves a sound editing award in itself.

As far as the management side of running the park, this is where the game has issues. First of all the management side is somewhat lacking. The game has functional problems when trying to manage shops, rides, and other guests needs. The staff quitting all the time makes no sense. Having to bump their pay every hour or keep up with training every month is redundant and causes immense frustration. They have added theft for security guards but even that gets beyond pointless as your park gets overrun with guest going amuck. Again some of these issues can be fixed with better optimization.

Building roller coasters and track rides can be fun with the ability to pretty much create any realistic theme park ride out there in the real world. But the lack of rides available is kind of disappointing as it seems some of the rides are just different variances from others.

But if you like the ability to create buildings and scenery lots, then this game allows you the tools to do it and save it as a blueprint. This game has a lot to offer but still needs some updating and further development which will no doubt come in time.

To fully understand and enjoy the game, you will have to spend some time playing it. If you're looking for a theme park builder just for the management side, then this game becomes a question mark and you should probably watch some you-tube videos to decide whether to get it based on that.

If you're looking for theme park builder to recreate your neighborhood theme park, then this game comes pretty close to be the best game to be able to do that. So, even with its flaws and annoyances, this is probably one of those games you should have in your steam game library to play as Frontier improves it over time with better optimization and much needed added content. So for right now, it still gets a 8.5 out of 10 rating even with the small issues it has. I will update this rating when the game gets better content and better optimization.
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