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Közzétéve: 2016. ápr. 20., 6:01

After 500 hours, I've finally mastered "Hot Cross Buns"

10/10 tought me more than my guitar teacher ever did.

In all serious though, it's a great teaching tool, for learning songs only. I still know absolutely no theory about playing guitar, don't know any of the scales. I just know how to play songs, this is literally perfect for that but I'd advise to read theory alongside. You can find all this on the Rocksmith Sub-Reddit, it's one of the top posts.

Before touching this game, I only dabbled in playing guitar, had a guitar teacher who taught me literally nothing and then just gave up for 10 or so years. So when I started, I was pretty much fresh to playing. I knew basic things, like Smoke on the Water (the main riff at least) and that was literally about it. Now I can master songs such as Man in the Box by Alice in Chains or even Cloud Connected/The Jester Race by In Flames. Truly a fantastic teaching tool, especially considering that it teaches you at your own pace, most teachers would just tell you to learn it in your own time. But this is your own time, so you can go back and repeat whatever section you want. Honestly, you have to try it if you want to start playing guitar.

Read other reviews for the minigames as I've barely touched them.
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