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Évaluation publiée le 17 avr. 2022 à 14h29
Mis à jour : 17 avr. 2022 à 14h29

Everyone and their mother have already mentioned this, but let me double-down on it for ya just in case: Given the nature of the Destiny Content Vault, this will (almost certainly) eventually go away. By "go away," it could mean that the campaign'll be gone, but Europa'll stay. Or maybe both of them will cease to exist, leaving only the Exotics and maybe relaying the weapons to Xur or whatever. Who knows. The point I'm trying to make here is, get this on sale. 50% or more'll do. Less painful that way.

Got that? Great! Let's get to it.

Beyond Light is Destiny 2's fifth expansion (third if disregarding Curse of Osiris and Warmind), set on the icy moon of Europa. Following the events of Shadowkeep, and more specifically Season of Arrivals, a trio of rogues related to the Vanguard have decided to embrace the Darkness as a tool in hopes that they can not only better prepare themselves for a path that may be fraught with peril, but to understand what attracts their enemy to it. Join a smug game-mode host, a likely-insane Hive addict, and an Exo that doesn't have time to explain why she doesn't have time to explain, as they weaken and defeat the Kell of Darkness and take back Europa, one grindy quest at a time.

Story. Seven, maybe light eight out of ten. Although the post-quest side of Beyond Light is a bit tedious, unhelped by the fact that certain elements are unnecessarily time-gated, the base storyline and its tropes are pretty good. One of its stronger suits, I think, lies specifically in the exposition; we get to hear and learn more about the Exo Stranger, and we get to see more bickering and banter between Eris and the Drifter. It's neat. Hell, it's cute. Trust. Aside from that, the Lore tab has an unfortunate tendency of being ignored, but give Beyond Light's books a read once in a while if you've got the time. The Once-Shipstealer and Your Friend, Micah Abram are both interesting peeks into the lives of certain characters.

Gameplay. Ehh. It varies oddly from six to eight out of ten. Back-and-forths, a bit of Triumph grinding, Public Event-esque stuff in the "Empire Hunts," and a few neat boss fights. Europa has an interesting little activity - the kind you'd see in a Season - where Variks will provide you with quests that result in the liberation and improvement of Europa (see: extra currency drops, better gear, yadda yadda). Good for boredom and for spicing up the usual gameplay, but it's admittedly not for everyone.

Loot. Very brief on this one: Salvation's Grip is for OOBing and comedic purposes, The Lament's great and rocks even after three nerfs, Cloudstrike's specific but neat if you get the hang of precision shotting, Subzero Salvo and Biting Winds are both very neat. The rest I kinda forgot about. I hear Varik's armory is all good with decent rolls, though.

Stasis. The fourth subclass. You know the one. I had my doubts, but while it is a bit lackluster at first, the aspect and fragment grind makes it rather nifty. Speaking as a Hunter, the grenades are a bit strange in terms of getting-used-to, but the double-melee and Super both make up for it; more than you might think. It's good. Be prepared for a bit of a slog, though - as of April 2022, Bungie still hasn't removed the two-fragments-a-week limit placed on Exo Stranger. You'll know what I mean (if and) when you see it.

Overall. A bit forgettable here and there in retrospect, quest-wise, but being able to explore Europa in full, kicking Eramis et al.'s ass, and getting some of that sweet, sweet exposition was worth the eighteen bucks. Seven outta ten.

"Prepare for your arctic adventure with the very best in Bray outfitting!" —Excerpt from the Eventide Welcome Guide
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