I like solo premiers :p
Szymcia 28 พ.ย. @ 11: 31am 
+ Rep! GG Good player, and nice clutch :D
-=MeX=- 22 พ.ย. @ 2: 54pm 
Бот Мохлик 18 ต.ค. @ 3: 41am 
samynio 4 ต.ค. @ 6: 59am 
toothless glitter horse delete youself
flystann x god 25 ก.ย. @ 11: 43pm 
sorry for leaving yesterday's game on mirage, electricity outage :(
Nick 10 ก.ค. @ 9: 41am 
Playing on what is most likely a smurf account and still baiting his team to get positive kd in a superlost match, damn bro touch some grass