D. 2023年1月14日 19時44分 
thats not 1
energeticmouse 2021年1月30日 3時12分 
D. 2019年12月5日 6時08分 
i also love to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stab a turtle's fat ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nostril with a straw :steamhappy:

who wants to help me do it type 1
Bootylicious 👠 Emely 🍼 2019年11月24日 3時46分 
🥞 📕 🍇 🌳 😺 🍆 🥗 💗 🌸 👃
🎍 [] 💎
🐊 🎽 💛 💄 🌂 🥒 🌽 👔 🌋 🔋
Calvin : I think we have got enough information now, don't you?
Hobbes : All we have is one "fact" that you made up.
Calvin : That's plenty. By the time we add an introduction, a few
illustrations and a conclusion, it'll look like a graduate thesis.

If we don't all watch the same TV, what will keep our culture homogeneous?
-- Calvin

It must be awful to be a girl. I'm sure it's frustrating knowing that men
are bigger, stronger and better at abstract thought than women. Really, if you
are a girl, what would make you go on living? --Calvin, Dictator-For-Life, of
GROSS (Get Rid Of Slimy girlS)
👳 💙 💚 📀 🍖 🕺 👾 👑 ⛳ 💗
D. 2019年5月12日 16時32分 
It's a SIN to be gay!
Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them they will BURN IN HELL!
Girl Programmer 2018年3月30日 12時47分 
Very dank pic of PROfile

I need this
32% Avg. Game Completion Rate 2016年4月2日 12時27分 
+rep dank maymays
DaGoomi 2016年3月6日 4時48分 
C&H fan... nice +rep
jareczek 2016年2月25日 4時20分 
+rep xD
Ω Torbin Ω 2015年6月1日 5時53分 
Has mystical powers of mysticaliness :P
Goliath 2015年5月31日 14時57分 
+Rep..... true bruh~~~ :heart:
cultsandroses 2015年5月7日 16時19分 
+rep GREAT FRIEND!!!!!!!!!
76561198130703642 2015年3月14日 23時31分 
Give This Rose
To Every Person You Care About

Nice nice nice nice frwiend!!
hxgOhLDtW 2015年2月20日 4時58分 
+rep Beacouse You Hate

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) me why ;-;
loonch 2015年1月8日 14時07分 
+rep beautiful fox :angrytiger: