Taifens   Longview, Texas, United States
Can't stop, won't stop.

Please Don't Remove Black Bar

Crouch Jump
unbind "space";
alias +DJUMP "+jump; +duck";
alias -DJUMP "-JUMP; -DUCK";
bind space "+DJUMP";

:{ jumped 287.8373 units with a Bunnyhop
KZT | 0.0 Offset | 57.3 Height | 323.69 Pre | 344.98 Max | 11 Strafes | 55.0% Sync | 0.781 Airtime
#. Sync Gain Loss Airtime
1. 100% 1.03 0.00 1%
2. 77% 6.01 0.00 9%
3. 90% 8.35 0.21 10%
4. 80% 7.72 1.63 10%
5. 66% 3.57 4.33 9%
6. 63% 4.99 4.84 11%
7. 58% 5.00 6.19 12%
8. 55% 3.14 3.78 9%
9. 40% 1.72 6.50 10%
10. 8% 0.03 38.26 12%
11. 0% 0.00 0.00 7%

:{ jumped 266.5187 units with a Long Jump
KZT | 0.0 Offset | 64.8 Height | 274.85 Pre | 330.51 Max | 10 Strafes | 65.6% Sync | 0.773 Airtime
#. Sync Gain Loss Airtime
1. 0% 0.00 0.00 1%
2. 69% 11.82 0.00 13%
3. 54% 7.80 0.28 11%
4. 90% 7.99 0.00 11%
5. 72% 5.88 0.00 11%
6. 66% 8.23 0.00 12%
7. 75% 6.66 0.00 12%
8. 91% 7.53 0.00 12%
9. 36% 1.47 9.67 11%
10. 0% 0.00 0.00 5%

bind W "+mfwd";
bind S "+mback";
bind A "+mleft";
bind D "+mright";
alias checkfwd "";
alias checkback "";
alias checkleft "";
alias checkright "";

alias +mfwd "-back; +forward; alias checkfwd +forward";
alias +mback "-forward; +back; alias checkback +back";
alias +mleft "-moveright; +moveleft; alias checkleft +moveleft";
alias +mright "-moveleft; +moveright; alias checkright +moveright";

alias -mfwd "-forward; checkback; alias checkfwd";
alias -mback "-back; checkfwd; alias checkback";
alias -mleft "-moveleft; checkright; alias checkleft";
alias -mright "-moveright; checkleft; alias checkright";

bot_quota 0;
sv_cheats 0;

sv_alltalk 1;
sv_deadtalk 1;
sv_infinite_ammo 2; // Still have to reload, infinite clips.
sv_pausable 1;
sv_regeneration_force_on 0; //HS only = 1.
ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang 0;
ammo_grenade_limit_total 0;
mp_autoteambalance 0;
mp_buy_anywhere 1;
mp_buytime 10;
mp_forcecamera 0; // Set to 1 for team only spectating.
mp_freezetime 1.5;
mp_round_restart_delay 2;
mp_roundtime 2;
mp_maxrounds 30;
mp_halftime 1;
mp_limitteams 20;
mp_autokick_idlers 30;
mp_friendlyfire 0;
mp_weapons_allow_map_placed 1;
sv_allow_wait_command 1; // Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server.
mp_roundtime_defuse 60;
mp_roundtime_hostage 60;
mp_startmoney 99999;
mp_teammates_are_enemies 0; // When set, your teammates act as enemies and all players are valid targets.
mp_default_team_winner_no_objective 0;
mp_solid_teammates 1;
mp_respawn_immunitytime 1; //How many seconds after respawn immunity lasts.
mp_give_player_c4 0;
mp_weapons_allow_typecount 99;
mp_match_can_clinch 0;
mp_autokick 0;
mp_free_armor 1;

mp_t_default_primary "weapon_ak47";
mp_t_default_secondary "weapon_p250";
mp_ct_default_primary "weapon_ak47";
mp_ct_default_secondary "weapon_p250";
mp_death_drop_defuser 0;
mp_death_drop_grenade 0;
mp_death_drop_gun 1;

mp_restartgame 1
Şu Anda Oyunda
Sea of Thieves
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Ambidextr0us 14 May 2024 @ 23:15 
thank you for complimenting on my profile ♥♥♥ today LMAO https://youtu.be/yy4G1G7s4T4
Haggis 28 Oca 2016 @ 19:34 
Looks like you need a comment:health: