Penguin⁧⁧ KevDerDev
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P E N G U I N S - P E N G U I N S - P E N G U I N S - P E N G U I N S - P E N G U I N S
Hello, I love penguins and would actually like to become a penguin, but that's not as easy as it seems (unfortunately). Of course I'm busy every day researching the transformation from human to penguin and so far all the test results are negative but we have already managed to turn a bird into a penguin and I'm very happy with the result because the only thing that stands out is that birds are the closest to penguins. I have been researching with Wladimir Putin and the NASA since 2015 for a penguin transformation act and today I am still researching for the transformation act from human to penguin.

Here are my fame Albania friends with a penguin dance on YouTube

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Here are some dope penguin episodes

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And here is a penguin

(/ )_

And that's me when I think of how I would be a penguin

总时数 60 小时
最后运行日期:11 月 13 日
成就进度   24 / 44
总时数 1.1 小时
最后运行日期:10 月 28 日
成就进度   1 / 34
总时数 2,454 小时
最后运行日期:10 月 21 日
HaNN 2022 年 3 月 4 日 上午 12:37 
Real brother :sans:
Auri-Chan 2022 年 1 月 25 日 下午 1:12 
4łÐe×τΣr ッ 2022 年 1 月 15 日 上午 11:35 
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Quack! Hello I am a duck and I like to make friends.:chocola2: I'm a duck and you're a penguin, we' re both different but the same.:cinnamon2: Maybe we can be good friends, good animal friends. Maybe we became friends or maybe we're the same person.:maple2: