Darth Diabetus
McDonald's has an island.   Heard & McDonald Islands
Currently wanted by the FBI and CIA on the following charges:
12 counts of Grand Theft Artillery.
947 counts of Felony Tax Evasion.
7 counts of Pigeon Assault.
3 counts of Overthrowing the Monarchy.
528 counts of Attempting to Undermine the Authority of Microsoft.
2 counts of Storming Area 51.
54 counts of Excessive Communism.
70 counts of Grand Theft Apache Attack Helicopter.
1 count of Criminal Lollygagging.

He was last seen screaming "I'm going to jail!" while driving an A-10 Warthog like a Russian.

He is also known under the alias Count Baron Kaiser Werner Pfeldlinger Fingerlickner von Hoeltsch.
Beware, he is armed, dangerous, and known to be a rule breaker.

If seen, please contact the following Whiterun Hold Police Department number: +1 (248) 434-5508