Persona non Grata
:TheG::TheW::TheE::TheN::TheT: (2016-2018) = :metallove:

:TheG::TheW::TheE::TheN::TheT: (2018+) = :poop:
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Latin dictionary

Potius mori quam foedari - Rather to die than to be dishonoured
In vita mors certa est - In life only death is certain
Volenti non fit iniuria - To a willing person injury is not done
Alea iacta est - The die has been cast
Mors meta malorum - Death is the end of suffering
Audi, vide, sile - Hear, see, be silent
Usus magister est optimus - Practice is the best teacher
Aut vincere, aut mori - Conquer or die
Barba crescit, caput nescit - Beard grows, head does not grow wiser
Faber est quisque suae fortunae - Each man is the maker of his own fate
Memento mori - Remember you must die
Inter malleum et incudem - Between the hammer and the anvil
Nemo sine vitiis est - No one is without flaws
Oculum pro oculo, dentem pro dente - An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Pacta sunt servanda - Agreements must be kept
Piscem natare doces - Teach fish how to swim
Qui rogat, non errat - Who asks, does not err
Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war
Testis unus, testis nullus - One witness is no witness
Ut sementem feceris, ita metes - As you sow, you shall reap
Ad augusta per angusta - through difficulties to honors
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one
Semper fidelis - Always faithful
Semper avarus eget - The miser is ever in want
Qui non est mecum, contra me est - He who is not with me is against me
Qui gladio ferit, gladio perit - Who wounds by the sword, dies by the sword
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shiraishi 28 giu 2022, ore 10:17 
hey, I like the Latin dictionary, very cool.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur
Boguc ⛧ 11 gen 2022, ore 10:29 
Czesc, mam pytanie odnosnie Kronik Myrtany.
Eki 22 nov 2021, ore 11:25 
-rep votekick abusing loser
DaThompi 9 mag 2021, ore 6:29 
razuu el burro 20 mar 2021, ore 12:10 
Sniveling Rat 28 gen 2021, ore 15:02 