Clarissa   Ocala, Florida, United States
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

As you can tell, I'm a bit of an Assassin's Creed junkie; I have no shame in admitting that. Ezio and Aveline are my favorites. But I'm branching out and am curious, trying new games out and even finding some old ones that are amazing. I like things to challenge me.

All games are amazing, even if I don't like or get them.

:Avengers: <--I also love all things Marvel.

✖I'm 38 years old young.
✖I live in Florida but I'm a Pennsylvania girl at heart.
✖I'm a history buff.
✖Love to write, love to read, hate to socialise.
✖Animal lover to the nth degree. [Dogs especially!]

[h2I believe in random acts of kindness. Pay it forward to others if they do a kindness unto you. [/h2]
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☕ Ćøffęę 15 Oct, 2020 @ 5:14pm 