Hilly Berrington
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Dni od ostatniej blokady: 50
Gablota zrzutów ekranu
Dying Light
2 1
Hilly Berrington 3 listopada o 18:38 
злобный bуpbулятoр 2 sierpnia o 21:17 
Дружочек, ты видимо не понял с кем общаешься. Вот эта твоя манера речи "клоунская" меня не впечатляет, давай встретимся, объясню на понятном тебе языке, языке боли.
JustEliot 30 lipca o 17:20 
Leaf lover DRG player. Was cheating during a Deep Dive, I called him out, he killed me and called me an r-slur. Avoid at all costs, just kick if you see him.
Smellacath 30 lipca o 16:37 
He keeps spouting curse words in russian during DRG matches and kills you if you don't understand him. Just leave the match if you see this name.
Shino 17 lipca o 21:40 
funny guy c:
ASTRONEER 17 lipca o 6:49 
He does not know how to play DRG, kicks at the end of the mission, behaves inappropriately.
Just kill him if you see him.