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0.0 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 65.0 óra a nyilvántartásban (57.7 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: júl. 27., 0:23

Good game with interesting story and great endings (especialy from the perspective of the Messenger player), but just OK'ish gameplay as pretty much every aspect here is pretty simple and while there are no bad mechanics, they all lack something more, more skills, buffs/debuffs, not to mention shmup parts that are present on 3 different occasions which on one hand adds variety to otherwise simple fights but on the other it just looks bizzare and doesn't really add any value

Fights are based partially around your reflexes and mostly around puzzles, as you have to figure out which locks to break in which order or how to use combos and attacks to break more of them. It's nice that swapping characters doesn't cost anything and you can move each and every one of them all the time throughout the main story, but on the other hand it slightly takes away from the whole planning your party for the encounter or preparing for specific encounter that a lot of classic JRPGs have... but I wouldn't say its a straight flaw either, I just kinda liked that aspect in other games

Side quest and "character stories" are pretty well made and even if you can finish most of them without having the campsite talk and just after get the dialogue prompting you to start it, there isn't really a thing to complain on as each of the 7 side activities is slightly different and each has its own reward, not to mention the connected reward after completing them all and unlocking the 8th side quest and somewhat emotional cutscene. The only thing to actually complain about is how true ending ends, how there is pretty big empty space for what Rash'an was doing in the meantime and while I belive it may be explained in another sequel/prequel/paraquel or w/e they come up with, I'd like to not be left on a cliffhanger for another 5 years

Leveling up is kinda funny cos it's rng based but at the same time everyone at max level which is 30 would have same stats cos you can only take each stat 5 times, but everyone knows that first dmg, than armor and by the end you are invincible anyway
Items and shopping feels lacking, but as the game is more focused on the fights and environmental puzzles, it doesn't really matter and is fine as is
Secrets doesn't really exist beside few little things (or I missed them all secret secrets)
Music and sounds which I usually don't care for, this time were a big part of why I enjoyed the game as much, some tunes from Messenger were nice touch, most of the new things fitted nicely
Graphics are 10/10, I loved each location, each pixel and every character design... beside the cartoon like cutscenes

Strong recommendation for everyone who enjoyed the The Messenger story or likes the metroidvania approach of revisiting old locations with new tools for more loot as after the true ending it's 9.5/10 imo
but for people who love the turn based combat and are looking for some challanges in this end... it's 6 at best
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