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3 people found this review helpful
2,187.8 hrs on record (273.1 hrs at review time)
warframe... i havent been playing it for that long only 200h at the time of this review but i must say that i am hooked to it so badly. The game is basically a looter, shooter, ninja game and a fast paced at that

1. Wallet Warrior Problems
platinium is way too expensive this is my complaint about it cause damn 75 plat for 5 bucks damn thats expensive

2. Tutorial
the tutorial is kinda bad well it could be better it guides you trough basic combat doesn't really give you any tips on the "advanced" stuff for example movement they only tell you how to bullet jump crouch wall jump and so on which most are done simply by tapping the spacebar and then theres the whole mods thing which is barely touched upon which i reminf you is pretty much the most complicated part of the game

3. Limited Room
limited room to play in warfrane is an instance based game you have a set map you can wander in kill enemies and do the objective i personally like this but some may not so it's kinda a pro and a con depends on the people

4. PVP
The PVP aka Conclave really feels unbalanced i mean you can go as a total noob who just started the game against max mastery rank players who have thousands of hours invested in it. so matchmaking pls and being able to switch teams would be lovely.

1. NOT pay2win
even though most people think so warframe is NOT a Pay2Win game, everything is obtainable if you play the game... imagine that actually get things for playing the game no paywalls or anything wow.

2. Awesome Graphics on low-end PCs
Warframe runs really well on low end systems it looks really good but reguires hardly any hardware to run it well thats what i have experienced

3. The Dev Team
Awesome devs who care about the game and keep it balanced excluding pvp (thats my opinion at least) they add new content to the game all the time.

4. Community
The community where can i start well IT IS THE LEAST TOXIC COMMUNITY EVER SEEN (so sorry for the caps but they were needed). the people are so nice trading is fluent to some extent concerning the community at least and well you cant really even be a bad person here to go to the higher levels or end game you need to work as a team if you are toxic you will gain bad reputation and nobody wants to play with you anymore.
Posted 13 April, 2016.
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