FECULENT FENTANYL 26 mar. 2024 às 12:53 
Goblin Man is the best Pawn in DD2
Gewoonlivio 9 out. 2023 às 1:18 
De weg naar herstel was lang en moeilijk voor Danny. Hij moest niet alleen afkicken van zijn verslaving aan erotische Skyrim mods, maar ook werken aan het herstellen van zijn gebroken relaties en het weer opbouwen van zijn leven. Het proces was pijnlijk en vol terugvallen, maar met de steun van therapeuten en dierbaren slaagde hij erin om langzaam weer greep te krijgen op zijn leven.

Het verhaal van Danny Smeets is een aangrijpend voorbeeld van hoe verslavingen mensen kunnen verwoesten en hoe belangrijk het is om hulp te zoeken wanneer de verleiding te groot wordt. Het laat zien dat zelfs in de meest duistere tijden er altijd hoop is op herstel en verlossing voor degenen die bereid zijn om te vechten voor een betere toekomst.

Beterschap Danny!
Gewoonlivio 9 out. 2023 às 1:18 
Na verloop van tijd realiseerde Danny zich echter dat hij de controle verloor. Hij kon niet stoppen met het downloaden en installeren van steeds meer expliciete mods. Zijn verslaving had hem volledig in zijn greep, en hij voelde zich gevangen in een vicieuze cirkel van verlangen en schaamte.

Op een dag besefte Danny dat zijn verslaving niet alleen zijn leven verwoestte, maar ook zijn gezondheid. Hij had ernstige slaapproblemen, depressie en zijn fysieke gezondheid ging snel achteruit. Wanhopig om een uitweg te vinden, zocht hij eindelijk professionele hulp.
Gewoonlivio 9 out. 2023 às 1:18 
Het begon onschuldig genoeg, met enkele suggestieve aanpassingen aan de personages en dialogen in het spel. Danny genoot van de extra pit die deze mods aan het spel toevoegden. Maar naarmate de tijd verstreek, merkte hij dat hij steeds meer betrokken raakte bij deze duistere kant van de modgemeenschap. Hij spendeerde uren, dagen en uiteindelijk weken aan het zoeken naar en installeren van steeds explicietere mods.

Danny's vrienden en familie begonnen zich zorgen te maken. Ze zagen hem langzaam afglijden in een wereld van fantasie en verleiding, ver weg van de realiteit. Zijn studie en werk leden onder zijn obsessie en hij verwaarloosde zijn relaties. De mensen die het meest van hem hielden, smeekten hem om hulp te zoeken, maar hij weigerde te erkennen dat hij een probleem had.
Gewoonlivio 9 out. 2023 às 1:17 
Het verhaal van Danny Smeets en zijn verslaving aan erotische Skyrim mods is een hartverscheurend en tragisch verhaal dat begon als een onschuldige interesse, maar uiteindelijk zijn leven volledig overnam.

Danny was altijd al een gepassioneerde gamer, en hij had een diepe liefde voor de Elder Scrolls-serie, vooral voor het spel Skyrim. Hij genoot van de epische avonturen in het land van Tamriel, maar na verloop van tijd begon hij te experimenteren met mods om zijn ervaring te verbeteren. In het begin waren het eenvoudige grafische verbeteringen en nieuwe quests, maar toen stuitte hij op een gevaarlijke en verleidelijke wereld van erotische mods.
Gewoonlivio 23 mai. 2023 às 5:50 
I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate gaming laptops.
Today when I walked into my economics class I saw something I dread every time I close my eyes. Someone had brought their new gaming laptop to class. The Forklift he used to bring it was still running idle at the back. I started sweating as I sat down and gazed over at the 700lb beast that was his laptop. He had already reinforced his desk with steel support beams and was in the process of finding an outlet for a power cable thicker than Amy Schumer's thigh. I start shaking. I keep telling myself I'm going to be alright and that there's nothing to worry about. He somehow finds a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ outlet. Tears are running down my cheeks as I send my last texts to my family saying I love them. The teacher starts the lecture, and the student turns his laptop on. The colored lights on his RGB Backlit keyboard flare to life like a nuclear flash, and a deep humming fills
adam772 23 mai. 2023 às 5:49 
Oh, you got an ass on you alright. See that's what he's talking about. Spread your ass open, dude. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The thug shaker; gimme the thug shaker, dude, shake your ass! Take your hands off it and shake that ♥♥♥♥. Pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah that's some thug ass right there. Oh yeah, that'll work. You got the booty, dude! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Look good, bro? Yes. Yeah nice, huh? Alright that'll work for him. Put that condom on.
adam772 23 mai. 2023 às 5:49 
Oh, you got an ass on you alright. See that's what he's talking about. Spread your ass open, dude. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The thug shaker; gimme the thug shaker, dude, shake your ass! Take your hands off it and shake that ♥♥♥♥. Pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah that's some thug ass right there. Oh yeah, that'll work. You got the booty, dude! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Look good, bro? Yes. Yeah nice, huh? Alright that'll work for him. Put that condom on.
adam772 23 mai. 2023 às 5:49 
Oh, you got an ass on you alright. See that's what he's talking about. Spread your ass open, dude. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The thug shaker; gimme the thug shaker, dude, shake your ass! Take your hands off it and shake that ♥♥♥♥. Pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah that's some thug ass right there. Oh yeah, that'll work. You got the booty, dude! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Look good, bro? Yes. Yeah nice, huh? Alright that'll work for him. Put that condom on.
Gewoonlivio 23 mai. 2023 às 5:49 
Oh, you got an ass you alright. See that's what he's talking about. Spread your ass open dude. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The thug shaker? Give me the thug shaker, dude, shake your ass. Take your hands off it and shake that ♥♥♥♥, pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah, that's some thug ass right there. Oh yeah, that'll work. You got the booty dude! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. You look good bro? Yeah, nice, huh? All right, that'll work for him. Put that condom on. You ready to sit on that ♥♥♥♥?
Gewoonlivio 23 mai. 2023 às 5:49 
Oh, you got an ass you alright. See that's what he's talking about. Spread your ass open dude. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The thug shaker? Give me the thug shaker, dude, shake your ass. Take your hands off it and shake that ♥♥♥♥, pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah, that's some thug ass right there. Oh yeah, that'll work. You got the booty dude! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. You look good bro? Yeah, nice, huh? All right, that'll work for him. Put that condom on. You ready to sit on that ♥♥♥♥?
Gewoonlivio 23 mai. 2023 às 5:49 
Oh, you got an ass you alright. See that's what he's talking about. Spread your ass open dude. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The thug shaker? Give me the thug shaker, dude, shake your ass. Take your hands off it and shake that ♥♥♥♥, pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah, that's some thug ass right there. Oh yeah, that'll work. You got the booty dude! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. You look good bro? Yeah, nice, huh? All right, that'll work for him. Put that condom on. You ready to sit on that ♥♥♥♥?

Gewoonlivio 23 mai. 2023 às 5:48 
⡴⠑⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣀⡀
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣷⣶⣮⣭⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇
Gewoonlivio 12 abr. 2023 às 2:56 
adam772 24 mar. 2023 às 2:51 
Oh, you got an ass on you alright. See that's what he's talking about. Spread your ass open, dude. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The thug shaker; gimme the thug shaker, dude, shake your ass! Take your hands off it and shake that ♥♥♥♥. Pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah that's some thug ass right there. Oh yeah, that'll work. You got the booty, dude! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Look good, bro? Yes. Yeah nice, huh? Alright that'll work for him. Put that condom on.
ratmin2 24 set. 2022 às 23:46 
DO NOT SCROLL AWAY!!! YOU WILL DIE IN THE NEXT 10 MINUTES IF YOU DON'T COPY AND PASTE THIS ON 12 OTHER PEOPLES PROFILES!!! Let me tell you story... There was once a green gobbler, he was soooooo greedy and he ate all the coins in the laundry mat and DIED! Now he haunts the radio waves n' satelite in search of greedy souls to gobble! If you don't put this on 12 other profiles he will gobble your coins and then... YOU! QUICK!
Rat Man 24 set. 2022 às 8:08 
+ here is a pic of me irl dont talk to me if your pecs aren't at least as big as mine.
Rat Man 24 set. 2022 às 8:01 
no u
ratmin2 23 set. 2022 às 20:27 
you will never be a rat
ratmin2 23 set. 2022 às 20:25 
lmao fake ass rat ♥♥♥♥♥
Fugglemug 11 ago. 2022 às 13:11 
Rat Man 29 jul. 2022 às 14:23 
threat noted, lawyers called, private security HEAVILY armed.
Rat Man 29 jul. 2022 às 8:33 
Slander + I'm already in your sewers, so don't you DARE contact your lawyers because your cheese storage WILL be raided (allegedly)
Rat Man 26 jul. 2022 às 17:12 
You are a fake rat man and I WILL be contacting my LAWYERS!
jb rocka 31 jan. 2017 às 0:51 
jb rocka 13 jan. 2017 às 0:47 
Hey, Elliot Rodger here.

I'm just sitting in my car right now, enjoying the view of the beach. And my view has been ruined, by this site right here! In front of me, sitting right there on that bench is a young couple. I presume about my age. sigh, I was enjoying such a nice view until they came and sat down and started to kiss...This is the reason why life isn't fair. Why does that guy get to have such a beautiful girlfriend while I'm all alone? why? Why can't I experience something like that right there? They are kissing right now! It's torture for me to watch, but I have to do this. I have to film this. I have to show the world why, life, isn't fair. I have to show everyone why I hate the world. Because no girl would do this with me. Look at them, he's in heaven right now! Sitting on this beautiful beach, with his beautiful girlfriend, kissing her, feeling her love, while I'm sitting here all alone. Because no beautiful girl wants to be my girlfriend. I hate them!
jb rocka 22 nov. 2016 às 6:08 