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Ulasan terkini oleh State_Alchemist_Quinntin

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Imagine launching a game into 1.0 but forget to name the game Execuatble correctly...

Great game though
Diposting pada 10 September 2024.
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Ulasan Akses Dini
TLDR: the more i play the worse the game seems, go play Path of Titans for an arcadey dino game,
Go play The Isle for a realistic, Survival game.

Go play Russian roulette if you want more fun than Beasts of Bermuda.

Edit 23 hours.
so after looking at the mechanics more in depth you can get buffs for scraficing dinos and getting nested in, which stack ontop of other buffs you pick. this would be fine if the total buffs were only a few percent, however having an apato that can sprint as fast as ive seen them go while making no noise is just not balanced. sure if every-one has those buffs it would be, but if your new to the game and having sweated it learning mechanics that arent listed anywhere not even on a website wiki, it just doesnt make for a great design.

Games that allow players who have been palying to get advantages over new players are unbalanced, especially when the advantages can be as extreme as sprinting what feels like 30% faster, while having more stam etc...

Unless they actually balance out the megapacking that occurs on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ servers, with people who no-life and play to just ruin the game for others ("Not ruining the game, just ruining your game" as they put it).

Path of Titans is becoming worse of a game, adding way too many abilities and crap to dinos,
Beasts of Bermuda allows buffing dinos over time that stacks up, to gain a strong advantage.

I just don't see any universe where a sauropod can run faster than a Theropod.
the sauropod is only 3-4x heavier than a trex, so clearly must be powered by a nucular (yes a valid spelling for the word as the Oxford English dictionary published it over 80 years ago) reactor or something...


So after playing 10 hours i have a small grasp of the concept of the game.
Ultimately I am unable to recommend this game for a multitude of reasons.

First the sound design / mechanics of the game.
your own Creature makes a lot of noise, this is even if you invest in being quiet in the ability tree.
All other players make no sound. a fully grown Apatosaurus that is estimated to weigh 16-22 tonnes make zero noise even when sprinting within 20 meters of you, this doesn't make any sense, nor is that balanced. Why would a small juvenile/hatch-ling snake or raptor make more sound than a fully grown Trex?

Secondly, the lack on information in the game,
Such as to what icons mean what, which direction is actually north on the compass etc.
The icons kind of make sense if you know what it means, but ultimately not great.
Whats wrong with putting North, East, South and West on the compass instead of Star, Sun in sky, Sun in horizon and sun in sky respectivly.
The scent mechanic sound great on paper, but is very confusing since you can smell yourself, IDK how since most animals are unable to smell themselves, due to the smelling organs being acclimated to the smell, can really make you think theres something else nearby when its just yourself.
Small creatures also have really bad senses,
Again unable to hear a dino whos foot is bigger than themselves. and generally struggles to get to any real size.

Thirdly, The UI
The UI Genuinely looks like its from a game from the early 2000s just up-scaled to match with modern resolutions.

Fourthly, The combat.
In games like Path of Titans and The Isle, the combat makes sense.
Small things are fast and able to avoid the larger predators, while the larger dinos hit harder and have more health.
In the Beasts of bermuda, a fully grown snake at 1.8 growth is unable to take on a fresh spanwed triceratops, Venom doesnt actually do damage, but instead inhibits the stamina recovery.
Not sure if the devs have heard of a place called Australia, but if you get bitten by one of their venomous animals, but it doesnt just make your stamina recover slowly, it can cause full on respiratory failture, muscle paralysis, vision impairment, and death just from being bitten, so you might think oh okay, so its not a venmous snake in the game, maybe its a constrctor, nope its venomous and doesnt even have venom that is leathal.

There, are some aspects and mechanics of the game thats cool, such as how the snake can climb trees, the raptors that can also climb trees.

But compared to the isle or PAth of titans this game just cant compete in terms of gameplay quality.
Diposting pada 22 Juli 2024. Terakhir diedit pada 31 Juli 2024.
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Tercatat 46.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 36.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Lack of Steam Cloud saves.

Basic game you might want to install on your handheld devices, and re-install when you reset a PC.

No cloud saves means you lose not only the progress, but any purchases you might have spent in-game.

Im not here for that.
Diposting pada 17 Juli 2024.
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Tercatat 940.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 930.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
TLDR: the devs dont do anything for the PvP player base, And release pay to win more than a mobile game.
Star Citizen has better updates, and EVE has 6x players

I usually launch from the launcher as opposed to though steam so i have a lot more hours in this game than steam says, it is likely around 6-7k hours. i obtained over 9Bil assets before april 2017 enough to fit the most expensive ship fully 8 times with money for rebuys if i die.

So i have refrained form posting any review for this game,
I originally played the game after the 1.2 update, This was released in March 2015 and the following update was in June of the same year.

At first the game was great, with the only real issue with it being the grind for money was incredibly slow.
it was slow to the point when a Gold rush in Quince popped up and allowed you to earn upto 40 mil in an hour, every-one I played with rushed to do it to earn a large amount of money fairly quickly.

The then released faction specific ships, These were cool and nice ships to have, but should have been side-grades to ships as opposed to straight upgrades (why fly a type 9 when you could use a cutter for hauling, Why use an anaconda for PvE when you could use a corvette).
While this wasnt something inherently bad, it wasnt exactly the best.

Then came 2.0 or 1.6 update depdning if you had purchased the DLC in december of 2015

1.6 offerd basicly nothing other than maybe a few forgettable QOL features maybe a lighting update, the new looking planets made no change as you couldnt land on them.

2.0 allowed you to drive the very buggy rover on the random moons in the game,
Overall this update was rather lacklustre, but what really made it disruptive was it allowed the use of Synthesis
Synthesis allowed the ability to make certain boosts to your ship, such as allowing you take make some fancy fuel so your ship could jump further, this all sound good until you realise that being able to fabricate ammo swould allow your weapons to do 10% more damage.
To put into simple terms, Buy DLC = 10% more damage, Dont buy DLC = Dont get 10% more damage.
This is not healthy for a game that has PvP included within the gameplay to such a large degree.

This should have never been made like this. EVER!

okay lets talk about the following update. 2.1
This introduced Engineering. This would allow you to upgrade the parts of your ships.
increase the jump range of your ship by 50% okay thats fine.
Make your modules weigh less, so you can jump further, okay thats fine.

Make your shields 3x stronger, while allowing you weapons to do 70% more damage. in a PVP Game?
This turned the PvP into one of the worst experiences in any game i have ever played.

I cant think of any other game where if you buy a dlc and spend 100 hours grinding to upgrade your weapons, you can do 70%more damage, over sone-one who didnt buy the DLC.

This is why i stopped playing the game for a very long time.
I would come back and play for a week whenever they released new ships just to test it out, but ultimately never played longer.
The last time i played like that was 11th of December 2018 when they released the Mamba and the krait phantom.

I then basiclly retired from the game, i would keep tabs on the update cycles, hearing to many things about bugs, both bugs with the game, and in the game, None of the PvPers cared about the Thargoids, as it had 0 connection with PvP within the game.
Frontier thought the thargoids were a great thing, as all the solo players who just hide in solo, would hide in solo and got extra content.

They focused on that narrative for 7 real world years.
I could have had a child and they be at the stage of cognitive thinking within that time.

At least the only good thing they did during the reign of space bugs was allow all players acess to the horizon dlc for free.
now every-one had access to weapons that can do an additional 70% damage, at least that was some-what fair.

But to all the people who had bought the DLC with money, it was a big old Middle finger to the face, well at least it was an Azure coloured Middle finger as thats all we got, a free Azure coloured paint job for your fictional space ship.

I did pre-order Odyssey, but then realising the issues with the game when there was non atmospheric planetary landings, the fact they didnt care about the PvP community, or the real state of the game, i decided to cancel my preorder that was around 30-35GBP.
And guess what...
Odyssey was a complete crapfest, Lots of issues with it on release.
really didnt add much, in terms of gameplay, and if im being completely honest, if i want to walk around and shoot people, i would play Call of Duty.

I then picked up Oddysey when it went on sale using reginal pricing that ended up costing me 7GBP including my bank currancy conversion cost. I still feel ripped off at that price. It wasnt an aspect of the game that was needed at all.
It would be like if F1 2025 would allow you to get out of your car and attack the person who crashed into you, would make 0 sense for a game of its genre, and really wouldn't be needed.

That sums up the history of the game and why i wouldnt recomend it,

Now lets look at the meain reasons why i wouldnt recomend the game.

I am a PvPer, I enjoy partaking within all forms of PvP in the games i play, And Elite is no exception.

The PvP in elite can only be summed up in 1 word.

it could be argued its been stagnant since the 10th of march 2015, this was when a very specific ship was released, the Fer-de-Lance

The only way i can describe the Fer-de-Lance in Elite dangerous would be to compare it to RAID Shadow legends in youtube sponsorships. Its annoying, its bland, and its F-ing everywhere.

In the past you used to be able to counter it with ships like the python and anaconda, however with the engineering came a feature to neutralise shield recovery banks, efectivly making those ships unable to survive against the Fer-de-Lance.

In fact its so storng the best PvPers i know stopped using it and started taking fast gank ships out instead as it was more fun to gank some-one than to fight another Fer-de-Lance with a Fer-de-Lance.

There has been rumours for the past 7 years they were going to nerf the Fer-de_Lance, but this never came around.
the closest any ship got was the Mamba, which was effectively a FDL but designed to use frag cannons for ganking and going fast.
Ultimately that beacame one of the best solo PvP ships, since you could just run from the FDL since it was faster, and tehn just absolutely wreak most other ships due to its absurdly high Burst DPS with Frag cannons.

Now we come to the modern day.

Frontiers side projects like the Jurassic park sim games have all started to not do so well economically, and as such they are turning to their only game with a surviving player base. a playerbase of 2-3k players each day. (on steam charts)
before the whole thargoid space bugs the game had between 10k to 18k players just on steamcharts alone.

With the upcoming anouncment of the new ships it honestly feels like they have only just become ready to accept their child only because they won the lottery.

I genuanly feel as if FDev are only apearing to try and care for the game in its current state, because they wish to milk it.

I urge any-one and every-one to not pay to get access to the Python mk2, Because i don't know if Fronter will actually care enough about the game to make the changes needed to make it healthy to play.

What changes? Nerfing things that are too strong, and buffing things that are too weak.
Currently The Fer-de-Lance, Rail guns feedback cascade, and Plasma Accelerators are too strong.
feedback cascade only need 2or3 hits (as by their own patch note) to reduce the cell bank by 90%.

I haven't even talked about the Healing beams that all player groups have banned the use of.

So yeah.

Also, "Adjusting" a few things in store means increase the price by everything 2x...

yeah i will pass!
Diposting pada 6 Mei 2024. Terakhir diedit pada 6 Mei 2024.
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Tercatat 44.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 33.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
TLDR, Good game, just wait for the price to drop.

Finally a good Need fro speed game since Most wanted 2005.

This is an arcade racer, and as such while the handling is not realistic (its not a sim racer like asseto corsa, or rfactor raceroom etc...) , its easy to control No longer are the cars sluggish to turn, and and fun to play, enough diversity in the cars, without giving too many where you cant keep track of all 500+ cars.

overall the story is okay, the art style is great, no more awkward semi realistic custscene to live action transitions like NFS 2015.

The only things that i wish were part of the game were more track layouts, theres only a handfull of track layouts, maybe 30 or so at most, as well as more challenging challenges, like there was in Most wanted 2005, where you need to stay in pursuits for a certain duration, or rack up enough damage in a pursuit.
the "challenges are simple" like drift 5 times in a race.

Overall i think its a great game, but honestly, not really worth the £60/£70 price tag for the normal or "Deluxe" version.
theres not enough track layouts, or vehicle options to justify the price when compared to a arcade sim racer like Forza Motorsport 7(122 tracks and layouts, and over 830 cars), or Grand truismo 7 (over 63 track layouts and over 400 cars)
Keeping with arcade racers, forza horizon 4 has 26 track layouts on the map, and 500 cars. (and is a lot cheaper in price for a slightly older game).

Overall its nice to see a change with Unbound, where if they continue with the amount of improvements over previous games, we could have some very solid game titles potentially coming out.
Diposting pada 26 Desember 2022.
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Tercatat 590.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 510.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Steam is now hiding reviews for war thunder, Scummy game company pulling yet another scummy move.
Fix your game so its fun to play and worth playing, and people wont revivew bomb your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ greedy arse for trying to make the game unplayable unless you pay, and still near unplayable if you do.

This review was originally made 29 Jun, 2021 @ 4:42pm
It is now 22/05/2023 And its not any better. (also my game time is a lot higher, but i use the gaijin launcher not steam to open the game)
I originally came to war thunder to get away from things that were broken in World of Tanks (Over powered gold ammo that did more damage, bigger splash radius etc etc...) stuff like the type 5 heavy and new premium tanks being released that were considerably better than other tanks in a lot of situations (progetto46), combined with rules that ban mods that allow unfair advantage, then still allowing a mod that allows arty to sit at the back of the map and focus one guy cause his stats are good.

I have now gone back to world of tanks, because at least they aren't screwing over there player-base in an active manner.

This review is based on a ground forces player. A tank player.

First of, the feel of the tanks.
Some of the feeling of tanks is off, in terms of mobility.
Heavy tanks are fine, they feel large and sluggish, but can still attaain a reasonable top speed.
The light tanks are what feels horrible,
Weight seems to have no effect to traversing or acceleration even on dirt/mud.
acceleration seems to only be dictated by power to weight, which while is one of the main factors to acceleration, weight is also important in tank statsics to how much terrain resistance there is (how far the tank sinks into the ground) ground pressure is fairly important.
Suspension doesnt seem to work in this game, several times ive gone over a small curb in atank and been sent flying up into the air, around 70% of my tanks height, which does ruin any immersion.

Light tanks are currently over equiped, usually coming with more abiliteis for supporting than any other vehicles allowing them to be much stronger than you actually realise.
Combined with very strong ammo types in the mid to high tiers, they can nullify the use of any heavy tank, by being able to easily pen.

ATGMs, while there are several which are balanced, there is a new IFV that gets laser guided atgms at a tier where no other vehicle does, it i s an ammo type that is usually seen at 8.3-9.0, but has been put on a 7.3 german ifv, the marder A1.

The tank itself isnt great, but the atgm's are capable of reliably one shotting most tanks it can see, and can still do that even in full uptiers.

This goes to show the game still has several bugs that have been around for years, even the issue where the drivers keeps swapping gears every 1/2 a second up and down, when you go up certain slopes, or down some slopes, effectively killing all your speed.

The balance of the game also isnt great.

Not to mention as a tank game it sucks, since you will feel like your actually in a plame bombing simulator instead.

Air is very powerfull, and im not even talking about the helicopters that can sit out at 10km and snipe you.
You can also get thrown into night battles without any Night vision.
The nights are pitch black and are impossible to see anything.
Running the game at minamum settings makes some bushes and buildings idssapear allowing you too see enemies you shouldnt be able to see.
Combined with the impilmentaion of Easy anti-cheat, which is nice to impliment some form of anti cheat, its rather basic and hass been known to be easy bypass anti-cheat.
Easy anti cheat also came with a slew of problems the most noticeable being some tanks dont actually appear untill the server "Thinks" you can see them.
This has resulted in me being killed through a window that im looking through, and seeing nothing, even when streaming the game to friends they even ask how did that happen...
The grind is also terrible, requireing you to slowly grind the entire tech tree just to get the 1 tank you want. not to mention the amount of time needed to do it. i think the ground xp gridning should be increasaed by around 25% to help making unlocking tanks more enjoyable, than a slow grindling slugfest.(its soo slow that it feels like gaijin have it so slow to increase "player interations time", a point that is very good for upselling games to potential investors)

Overall while the core gameplay is good, balance passes, and core bug fixes for ground forces are needed.

Personally as far as gameplay goes, there should be a ground only game mode, as well as a general Quality Of Life update.

Due to all my personall issues with the game, while i do play it, its not a game a recomend to others.
If you want a balanced tank game, look at World of tanks.
If you want a balanced realistic tank game, i would recomend looking elsewhere.

P.S. Russia is very op at top tier, with more frontal armour than anything else. OP helicopters, OP planes etc...
Diposting pada 29 Juni 2021. Terakhir diedit pada 26 Mei 2023.
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So bought the game and installed it with all the DLCs from steam.

(I know each module is a differant game, but its bundles as DLCs and treated as DLCs so im gonna call them DLCs)

It instead didn't download the DLCs...
Also doesnt actually allow you to stop downloading a DLC and swap to another one.

So first day experience with the collection is pretty bad...
Diposting pada 8 Desember 2020.
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Tercatat 1,211.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 478.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I Love DayZ,
But i hate the DayZ game...

-200 / 10
Cars like to jump into outa space when you add or remove tyres.
Cars are handled server side, (To prevent exploits and hackers, Makes cars completely unusable unless you own your own server and even then you have to be the only player on to have a chance of not being lagged into a wall)

6 / 10
Survival as a mechanic is nice when implemented properly.
the game does not have it implemnented properly any-more.
You spawn, you look for canned food, you dont find food, you starve you die.
or if you knoww exactly what your doing, you spawn. you look for the clsoes apple orchard, you find apples, you prolong your life, you loot anywhere but berazino (F$%K that place) you find food you survive.
Can take around 3-4 tries just to get a start that isnt just a slow death.
There are disseases and colds, i think it could be made better, as water pumps can also be infected, even though its a sealed under ground resivour, not an open air stream.

4 / 10
cant shoot long range because the scopes and view distance dont allow your 1km zeroing to hit reliably at 1km.
Balance of guns is okay, but i think loot as a whole could be increased.
Sometimes your shotgun slugs will one shot a guy at 200m, but do nothing to some-one at 20m.

Feel of the game
3 / 10

While animations helped make the game feel smother including jumping and better vaulting/climbing ability, its far from perfect.

Personally i feel as though mod works beter, especially as theres more guns and vheicles work as well as more veriaty with there being planes, helis and boats.
Diposting pada 28 November 2020.
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Tercatat 1,187.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 1,181.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)

Game Potentially has a true future again.
With it no longer being apart of Gamelabs, and being worked on now by the developers, only time will tell if some changes will be reverted to bring diversity to the game and bring the players back, or if more stagnant backwards patches come and change it.

In the past it was a very anti-casual player game, and required time to learn and master to really do anything.

Then came a nerf to all woods, and removed advances mechanics of the game such as ship thickness to reduce damage taken.

Hopefully they can make the game deiverse with mechanics and bring it to its former glory, but untill steps are taken in the right direction my review will still be to avoid.
Diposting pada 18 Oktober 2020. Terakhir diedit pada 13 Januari.
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Tercatat 17.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 17.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Great games - 5/5

Deep silver - Pre 2019
Great, good games, good choices.

Deep silver 2019
Bleh, Good games, Bad choices.

Take the hint that no-one wants to use the "EPIC" (ly retarded) game-store.
Is the higer profit margin % more important that your actuall overall sales?

You have split a community that is above "exclusives"
This has allready come-back to bite you mere days after the news.

Go and get the community happy or theres more chances of there being a heavily negative review bombing at launch.

Say what you want in the comments, this is the PC community and we dont like choices being made for us.
Diposting pada 30 Januari 2019.
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