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27 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 5.2 tuntia
Viewfinder thrives on perspective, interactions between photography and three-dimensionality, and does not disappoint... at least not in a negative way.

Every now and then, an indie game emerges that leaves you speechless. Viewfinder, a puzzle platformer from Sad Owl Studios, is that game for me this summer. This charming game includes puzzles unlike anything I've ever seen before, playing with perspective in extremely baffling and mind-boggling ways, all while remaining simple and incredibly easy to understand. It's a difficult balance to achieve, but now that Viewfinder is available, I can promise you that it mostly works out.

Additional Info:

Content & Replay Value
Viewfinder took me 5.2 hours to complete, with a few achievements untackled. Unless you want to experience the gameplay again in the future or tackle all achievements, I see no reason to replay the game. For Achievement Hunters: this is a relatively straightforward game to complete 100% on your first playtime, though you may miss out on some achievements that you must gather later.
Single Player Only
Controller Recommended?
Yes, but you can also use KB/M
Is it worth buying?
Yes, though I would strongly advise waiting for a discount.

This game was provided for review purposes by the developers. Thank you!

Follow our Curator page, IndieGems, to see more high-quality Indie reviews regularly.


The plan is to enter a weird simulation built by a group of geniuses in search of answers and technology that can aid in the salvation of the real world. Granted, the plot isn't really interesting or vital to the Viewfinder experience, and to be honest, it's only servicable. There are audio files, post-it notes, and other environmental aspects, for example, that play back portions of the story and paint a picture of who these "geniuses" were and what transpired to cause them to grow apart. But the plot never gets in the way or makes you stop and think about what's going on. No, you come to Viewfinder for the gameplay experience.

Your adventure through the artificial world will be aided by a companion who communicates with you via phone booths. You'll also encounter a cat-shaped AI that will accompany you around the world, and yes, you may pet it. Despite the importance of the subject matter, all three narrative levels, whether from the outside, the inside, or the past, have shockingly little to say. This is a squandered chance that feels fabricated. The creators sought to include pop culture allusions, discuss a contemporary problem, and highlight human connections. In the end, none of this was successful. If the developers had focused on just one area, they could have developed the story far more coherently.

The miraculous Polaroid camera, which you'll discover early in the game, is your most significant tool. There are always images, drawings, and even video game graphics concealed among the stages. Most puzzles require you to use the images to solve them. Sometimes, however, they are simply amusing gags that will make you laugh. In one location, for example, you'll discover a picture of Super Mario World that you can explore. Are you often envious when friends send you letters from their trip because you wish you could be there as well? You can just dash into vacation here! There are numerous small gags throughout the game's early stages. Later on, the frequency drops, which is unfortunate because this is when you might have truly let loose artistically and possibly even incorporated mini-games.

Viewfinder occasionally intersperses cut-up panels, in front of which you must stand at the correct angle to piece the scene together. Alternatively, you can access the next part by flipping three switches. You'll find a couple levels later in the game where you'll have to sprint through filter portals to remove obstructions and make bridges appear. However, this simply serves to lighten things up because most of the time you'll be clicking images and repositioning them to get to the exit. For the most part, you'll have to flip switches or carry batteries around to duplicate level portals. You do this on the fly with a portable camera and stationary picture stations that provide perspective. In general, Viewfinder increases difficulty by taking things away from you rather than offering new features as the game goes. For example, you can no longer photograph blue structures and objects, drastically limiting your approaches to the goal and frequently resulting in only one answer.

Overall you'll be busy for five to six hours if you listen to every audio sample and play every extra task. You'll go through considerably faster if you ignore the talk. The missions are organized into four hub planets that you can visit between levels. They are themed to correspond with the appropriate world builder. In the artist's realm, you'll go through a luxury mansion looking for artist's supplies such as brushes and easels. The gardener's part is all about nature, whereas the engineer's center level is all about machines. The levels are designed differently by each creator, however the hub worlds are just plastered with assets in many areas. The sad part though: you have almost no interaction with any of them. Only collectibles and a few items that are always required to solve a puzzle can be obtained.

The game was flawlessly programmed throughout the game. While hardly groundbreaking, the graphics are functional and attractive in many places. Viewfinder is a fantastic indie game, although the plot is a little disjointed. The core puzzle notion is clever and does not tire over the brief gameplay. However, solution approaches are sometimes repeated, which takes some of the joy out of the challenge, and there have been occasional problems that have rendered a puzzle impossible unless I exit and re-enter the level. In the lead-up, the game was frequently compared to Portal, and the gameplay is somewhat similar to Valve's puzzle hit. I personally hope that Viewfinder will follow in the footsteps of Portal and follow up a brief but enjoyable first installment with a truly fantastic sequel that has the potential to alter the field of puzzle games.

My Specs

CPU: i9 9900k GPU: RTX 2080 Ti RAM: DDR4 32 GB RAM OS: Win10 Resolution: 1440p @144hz


Gameplay and the delight of discovery clearly take precedence, the first-person puzzle game continues to reinvent itself, astounding with fresh views, concepts, and styles. Although there is a general lack of challenge, completing each puzzle is satisfying because the next puzzle delight with a new concept is already waiting for me around the next corner and sometimes actually flips what I have experienced thus far. In the end, Viewfinder could have done a few things better: a few more stylistic gimmicks, a little more challenge, and a l̶̶o̶̶t̶ little more depth to the plot. Don't be deceived by the successful but still generic visuals: Viewfinder is a one-of-a-kind gaming experience, and despite its flaws: it was great!

Final Verdict: 7.5/10 💖
Julkaistu 29. elokuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 29. elokuuta 2023.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
13 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 21.7 tuntia
This is one of the greatest classic games of all time.

Tommy Vercetti's goal is actually fairly simple: make a drug deal in Vice City and then return to your boss's office in Liberty City with the drugs. But, just as the deal is about to be concluded, Tommy and his partners are ambushed... some of them even killed. Our hero almost escapes with his life after the drugs and money are gone. Tommy has to dig through Vice City's underground to reclaim the money for his boss and discover the person responsible.

Additional Info:

Content & Replay Value
GTA: Vice City took me 22 hours to complete, with everything 100% completed. Unless you want to experience the story again in the future or tackle all achievements, I see no reason to replay the game. For Achievement Hunters: Prepare yourself before you go, as this is a fairly easy game to get 100% on your first playthrough, although you may miss out on some achievements.
Single Player Only
Controller Recommended?
Yes, but you can also use KB/M
Is it worth buying?
Yes, unless you're still disliking the game despite the fact that it's completely playable.


At first glance, the differences between GTA 3 and Vice City are minor: the open mission structure has been retained, and there are several mysteries and hidden chores to locate across the bustling metropolis, just as in the predecessor. Of course, you may still hop in any car to explore the city and perform your goals. Nothing beats the vibe of the 1980s in this, my all-time favorite GTA. However, Rockstar has not rested on its success and has given Vice City a big gameplay revamp (compared to GTA 3). Vice City's urban area is roughly twice the size of Liberty City, with the West Island initially closed off owing to a storm warning. After a few tasks, the boundaries are removed and you are free to roam the city.

Mobility options have also been substantially enlarged: not only has the car fleet been greatly expanded, but it has also been supplemented with new vehicles. You can, for example, ride across Vice City on numerous motorcycles and later tour the entire city area by helicopter. The flight was extremely appealing to me, although entirely unsuited for most objectives, the helicopters provide a tremendous sense of freedom that even GTA 3 cannot match - insane! It comes in handy when trying to gather all packages, rampages, or if you need to travel a long distance rapidly.

The mission structure has also been changed: there are now more clients, and the assignments are far more varied than in Liberty City. To assist a land dealer, for example, you will need to employ a remote-controlled helicopter to place bombs in a structure under time constraints in order to halt construction activities. Or, after taking out a gangster boss, you'll have to break windows in a shopping mall to extract protection money. These changes elevate Vice City above its already great predecessor, especially as the missions are improved and more rationally linked into the plot. You can now retry failed missions with the Definitive Edition, which was previously unavailable in the original version.


Just like in GTA 3, there are several missions that run alongside the story and are purely for entertainment purposes. There are 100 secret packages and activites throughout the city that trigger special actions such as the infamous "Rampages," in which you must eliminate a particular number of people in a certain amount of time. Rockstar hasn't just relied on the objectives offered up by specific vehicles: Aside from cabs and ambulances, there's also a scooter waiting for you, on which you'll need to deliver pizza. Of course, there are ramps concealed throughout the city that will count as "Unique Stunts" if you can do a stunning takeoff.

By the way, in Vice City, you can invest your money not only on a vastly expanded arsenal of weapons, but also in a variety of tools for Tommy, such as screwdrivers, meat cleavers, and even a chainsaw. You can even buy real estate if you have enough money. Additional apartments that also serve as storage spaces are only available at the low end of the spectrum. One house has a helicopter on the roof and three garages to keep your fleet of cars. Up to ten vehicles can fit in the garages, depending on your parking skills. Of course, other housing options feature garages as well, so you'll always have the ability to preserve and access stowed cars across Vice City, especially for Sunshine Cars later.

Much more intriguing are the opportunities to diversify your business with additional lines of industry, such as nightclubs, shipyards, and even a car dealer. Although these are only available for purchase after completing certain objectives, they also provide you with a daily payout to your account. Many of the establishments, in turn, release new duties, such as the vehicle dealer, which allows for hot races while also wanting popular cars delivered to it. Your daily income provided by the dealer will increase depending on the list you complete.


As you can see, the alternatives for passing the time in Vice City are nearly limitless and keep enticing you back to the game, so you'll be able to spend more than a hundred hours exploring everything. There are almost ten hours of music to listen to, which is stylistically distributed over the many radio stations. There's something for everyone, from rock to wave to pop and funk. And they didn't disappoint, as the entire soundtrack is made up of licensed songs from the 1980s, including Nena, Toto, Judas Priest, and others. The list could go on and on, throwing you one hit after another. Personally, I don't have a problem with the lack of some songs like Michael Jackson, but for others it might be a disappointment.

The voice output is likewise outstanding. Not only are the radio DJs funnier than ever (Looking at you Fernando Martinez... my gateway to the 80s), but the voice actors for the characters have been meticulously chosen and perform admirably throughout. But it's not surprising, given that the cast includes seasoned Hollywood actors. And, as is customary in GTA, as you approach each of the innocent bystanders, you will hear one of the nearly infinite voice samples in which he or she insults you. What about the sound effects? They're also quite good all around - no matter where you look, simply because they're basically taken from the original. Vice City shows off its technical prowess, especially for its time in 2002, with different engine sounds for each type of car and weapons that sound as accurate as you'd expect.

My Specs

CPU: i9 9900k GPU: RTX 2080 Ti RAM: DDR4 32 GB RAM OS: Win10 Resolution: 1440p @144hz


Everything that fans liked about the predecessor is, of course, here, but this time it's not simply a replica. Everything has been polished: the city is larger, the story is better than before, there are more and much more distinct missions, you can buy real estate, the fleet of vehicles has been expanded etc. The greatest thing, however, is the ten-hour soundtrack, which, in conjunction to the coherent graphics that very rarely betray flaws, delivers an authentic 80s experience. My 2002 game has found a more than worthy Remaster, which is good, leaving one to question what the developers still want to improve in GTA 6. But enough talking: off to Vice City and back to my beloved Tommy!

Final Verdict: 8.5/10 💖
Julkaistu 25. elokuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 25. elokuuta 2023.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
4 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 0.1 tuntia
Each of these Achievements bears the name and description "Super Trivia Champion" / Trivia Vault / Professor Watts Memory Match and are unlocked through starting the game.

Overpriced achievement spam masquerading as a memory game. You are granted the one achievement before you even play, you just need to load up the game to have it register to your account, takes 1 second literally, I had to play for 5mins just so I could leave this review, what a joke.
Designed to lure ppl who want to up their 100% achievement number with zero effort, and since it got "Profile Features Limited" on the store page it's not even counting towards it.
Julkaistu 6. elokuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 6. elokuuta 2023.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
2 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 0.1 tuntia
Each of these Achievements bears the name and description "Super Trivia Champion" / Trivia Vault / Professor Watts Memory Match and are unlocked through starting the game.

Overpriced achievement spam masquerading as a memory game. You are granted the one achievement before you even play, you just need to load up the game to have it register to your account, takes 1 second literally, I had to play for 5mins just so I could leave this review, what a joke.
Designed to lure ppl who want to up their 100% achievement number with zero effort, and since it got "Profile Features Limited" on the store page it's not even counting towards it.
Julkaistu 6. elokuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 6. elokuuta 2023.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 0.1 tuntia
Each of these Achievements bears the name and description "Super Trivia Champion" / Trivia Vault / Professor Watts Memory Match and are unlocked through starting the game.

Overpriced achievement spam masquerading as a memory game. You are granted the one achievement before you even play, you just need to load up the game to have it register to your account, takes 1 second literally, I had to play for 5mins just so I could leave this review, what a joke.
Designed to lure ppl who want to up their 100% achievement number with zero effort, and since it got "Profile Features Limited" on the store page it's not even counting towards it.
Julkaistu 6. elokuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 6. elokuuta 2023.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
26 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
2 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
yhteensä 6.8 tuntia
This game is what would happen if Mega Man X and Ninja Gaiden had a child.

✔️ It is a love letter to Mega Man, and yet it is completely original in its own right.
❌ The Hookshot mechanic feels weird and imprecise, despite the fact that it is critical in games like this. You can change the deadzone, but you'll probably hook up and right more frequently than not, even if you want to go diagonal up right. This is quite often the source of unnecessary damage and frustration.
✔️ Kai's gameplay is fast-paced, responsive and enjoyable.
❌ Burst and Health enhancements are brutally hidden, for example, by diving into random chasms with close to no indication. I completed the game without these upgrades since I was not introduced to them in any way. A short introduction, even text-only, would've been better.
✔️ The soundtrack is exceptionally well-made.
✔️ I really like the narrative and the characterization, especially the story combined with the unexpected surprise in the end.

Additional Info:

Content & Replay Value
Gravity Circuit took me 6.8 hours to complete, with many optional challenges unfinished. Unless you want to experience the story again in the future or tackle all achievements, I see no reason to replay the game. For Achievement Hunters: This is a quite hard game to get 100% on your first playthrough, while some collectibles are nastily hidden. Once completed, you can repeat levels at any time, although I wouldn't recommend going for 100%.
Single Player Only
Controller Recommended?
Yes, but you can also use KB/M
Is it worth buying?
Yes, unless you don't like difficult Mega Man-like games.

This game was provided for review purposes by the developers. Thank you!

Follow our Curator page, IndieGems, to see more high-quality Indie reviews regularly.

Story, Gameplay, Upgrades & Characters

The story starts off with the Virus Army threatening to take over the world, but they are stopped by a squad of Gravity Circuit-powered robots. While they won the battle, only one of the heroes, our main character Kai, is still alive and well. The Virus Army reappears for no apparent reason, and the sole survivor awakens to discover that his old friends have joined the Virus Army. Thus starts the journey to find your former friends, stop the Virus Army from wreaking more havoc, and apprehend its master.

Kai is taken to a hub after completing the first tutorial level, where he can select from eight different missions, and each of them ends with a boss fight against a Circuit. The majority of the stages are also very different and feature some amazing music. Gravity Circuit maintains the tough Mega Man X platforming with wall jumps, slides, vanishing platforms etc., however, it is not quite as difficult as the series from which it draws inspiration from.


Gravity Circuit proudly shows its influences, with its graphic style and level design clearly inspired by the Mega Man X series, but there is one significant difference: Kai's gameplay style. Instead of deploying ranged energy beams, Kai deals with his opponents up close and with fists. He possesses a variety of melee strikes that change according on the input direction, such as a dropkick while holding down or a upperkick when holding up, and this also extends to his super powers in each possible direction.

As a result, after defeating a boss, Kai gains new burst techniques that may be assigned in one of four directions, rather than equipping sub-weapons/powers, or he can simply equip passive booster techniques. These powers range from helpful boosts, such as a double jump or health regeneration, to more offensive ones, such as a laser or exploding shields. Kai, in addition to his melee attacks, possesses a grappling hook that he may use to navigate around the stage or to throw defeated enemies. The grappling hook is a tremendously exciting addition to the game's mobility system, and it's employed in some extremely creative areas throughout the game. The main issue though is that the grappling hook direction and deadzone are fairly problematic, as you'll find yourself trying to execute a diagonal top right shot, but it frequently goes to the right or up. As a result, this is frequently the source of unintended damage and deaths. You can adjust the deadzone in the menu settings, though. The last boss is also fairly difficult, as are many of the more challenging platforming challenges found in the final few stages.


Spikes and traps do not instantly kill you, unlike Mega-Man, and the game's respawns are fair, even enabling the player to restore to full health by paying a tiny in-game currency fee that increases with each usage throughout the Circuit Stage. In general, the game is quite forgiving, until the difficulty skyrockets at the end of the game. The bosses in Gravity Circuit are not the same as the bosses in Mega Man in that some of them have to be dealt with first, or have a "boss order". There is nothing like that in Gravity Circuit, even though each circuit level has a power and length difficulty bar when you select it. Not only does each circuit have its own concept, but each level is theoretically and technically unique.

Kai suffers from amnesia, but by talking to other bots around the guardian corps headquarters (HQ), he may learn more about the characters and motivations of each circuit. This provides some little story pieces to fit together, as well as a look into the circuits interaction when they were working together. The characters in the HQ are just as interesting. Gravity Circuit does an excellent job with characterization in general, making even the occasional walks and conversations with people around the base interesting and even funny. The fact that Kai has a history with all of them adds weight to the plot; the game never forgets that the circuits used to function as a team, and that Kai now has a responsibility to the new guardian corps.


Gravity Circuit modernizes classic 2D action-platforming ideas into a phenomenal adventure. Its most valuable feature is its agility: it's easy to run, jump, and strike foes while avoiding numerous obstacles. Mastering Kai's abilities is vital, since the stages present us with several creative and exciting sections. Fans are won over by the classic retro atmosphere's pixel art and synthesizer-heavy soundtrack. The action is fast-paced and intense, with several tough sections. Some elements are tedious since they need trial and error, as well as the grappling hook mechanic and deadzone being problematic, but some aspects, such as the absence of quick death, keep things from becoming annoying. The plot is short, but extra challenges may entice players to return to it.

Final Verdict: 8.5/10 💖
Julkaistu 5. elokuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 30. elokuuta 2023.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
308 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
4 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
yhteensä 20.5 tuntia
The greatest 3D The Legend of Zelda-like experience on Steam for me.

✔️ A Zelda-style adventure game featuring well-thought-out dungeons and boss battles.
❌ The protagonist is deafeningly silent, and some of the cutscenes are a bit clunky. To improve the overall impression/experience, the animations could have been smoother.
✔️ The puzzles are often rather challenging, despite the fact that some of them are repetitious. The secret locations through the new obtained equipment, in particular, are also quite a challenge.
❌ No manual targeting while fighting. Players may aim at foes, but a targeting system similar to The Legend of Zelda's, in which you must manually push and hold to target/lock, would be preferred.
✔️ There are a variety of side missions and challenges in each town that can be found on the Quest Board. You may also play the Tarock card mini-game with almost every citizen you come across.
❌ Manually jumping off something isn't possible since it automatically jumps on edges or off roots/corners as you climb, which means you'll occasionally jump off when you shouldn't. This is usually the cause of unnecessary damage or frustration.
✔️ A picturesque graphic style invites you to explore, and caves may be found in nearly every part of the game world.
❌ The lack of a checklist for 100% completion means that you have to look all over again if you missed something.

Additional Info:

Content & Replay Value
Oceanhorn 2 took me 20.5 hours to accomplish 100% with all achievements. Unless you want to experience the story again in the future or tackle all achievements, I see no reason to replay the game. For Achievement Hunters: This is a quite easy game to get 100% on your first playthrough, however, some collectibles are nastily hidden.
Single Player Only
Controller Recommended?
Yes, but you can also use KB/M
Is it worth buying?
Yes, undoubtedly.
How's the PC port?
It's a wonderful port with up to 300 fps, Widescreen compatibility, AMD FidelityFX Support and PS button remapping, among other features.

This game was provided for review purposes by the developers. Thank you!

Follow our Curator page, Summit Reviews, to see more high-quality reviews regularly.

Story, Gameplay, Puzzles & Shards

In Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, players take control of a knight on an adventure to deliver the three sacred emblems to each nation. The game's intro cutscene begins promisingly: on a rainy night, a baby is placed in Master Mayfair's care. Eighteen years later, the young man will be put to the test that will determine whether or not he will become a Knight of Arcadia. To do so, he must return to the Island of the Outcasts and retrieve a box stolen from Master Mayfair by pirates. After obtaining the box, he discovers that his hometown has been attacked by dark knight invaders who pose a threat to the entire realm of Arcadia. The main goal of the game is therefore to stop evildoer Mesmeroth from attempting to take over the planet with his army of dark knights. Thus begins a quest to unite the peoples of Arcadia, which is also the setting for Oceanhorn: Monsters of the Uncharted Sea (sequel story-wise) a 1000 years later.

Anyone who has played the original Oceanhorn will recognize the universe of Oceanhorn 2. Despite the 3D transformation, enemies and places look familiar, even though you now control your hero in third person. The mostly linear, partially free-roaming game environment provides more options than the previous game. As the journey develops, you'll find yourself in larger locations that you may explore at your leisure without losing focus. The key reason for this is a mini-map that makes it easier to go to interesting spots. Not only will you face diverse foes, but you'll also have to solve interesting puzzles in order to locate the many hidden prizes or to simply advance the plot.


The hero has a number of abilites at his disposal to do so. Running, climbing, and, of course, the fighting system, which is symbolic of The Legend of Zelda, are all there. Real-time battles allow you to slash your opponent immediately by pressing a button. Holding down the action button allows you to launch a strong series of strikes, but it will take a few seconds to recharge. Not only do the foes differ in appearance and attack style, but they also have unique vulnerabilities. Some foes, for example, take many strikes to show their vulnerability, but others require just one attack from behind to gain the upper hand. You may even sneak up on enemies via the dense grass and deliver a surprise attack that deals more damage than usual.

Aside from fighting, the extremely low stamina is a hassle, especially when traveling long distances. Many pathways are needlessly long in general. It's also sad that the travel system is so restricted, relying on only a few portals. At the very least, there is a useful map function that automatically tracks where treasures may be found when journeying. On the other side, I had to become accustomed to unintended automatic jumping. You can't leap on your own; the hero does it for you on the edges, which was kind of frustrating at times.


The riddles and trials in the game are undeniably the highlights. The flexible magic gun is used in addition to the standard switches and keys. You can not only use fireballs to destroy enemies, but also certain obstacles. Frost missiles may be used to either freeze a foe or to create a standing surface in the water to help you navigate dangerous shoals. Lightning ammo, on the other hand, may be used to shock opponents and activate electrical devices. You can also use standard ammunition to target opponents, or other things.

As you move through the story, you'll also discover numerous shards that you may attach to your equipment to gain a boost in stats. So, despite the real-time combat, there are tactical parts that are well worth your time. During your mission, you will either find new shards in one of the numerous treasure chests scattered around the game, or you will be able to purchase them in one of the numerous shops or vending machines found in each town. Various in-game challenges are also rewarded with experience points, which grant you extra ranks and rewards; however, there are no conventional RPG leveling increases accessible. Instead, like in The Legend of Zelda, you'll be searching for heart pieces to gain more life points.


Oceanhorn 2 features a few issues, whether it's the absence of manual jumping, checklist or the relatively rough controls/battle system. I certainly encountered a few issues as a result of unintentional jumps, but after I got beyond them, I was rewarded with a world I couldn't help but explore. The narrative is enjoyable, albeit slightly too predictable and the dungeons and riddles in the world are varied and just the right degree of challenging. It also doesn't hurt that the game is visually amazing. Oceanhorn 2's genre-blending gimmicks assist to elevate it beyond its shortcomings. Even if there are some hiccups along the way, this is an adventure worth embarking on and especially supporting.

Final Verdict: 8.5/10 – A wonderful journey, but not without some minor setbacks. 💖
Julkaistu 2. elokuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 2. elokuuta 2023.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
11 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 0.1 tuntia
Every title in the "Trivia Vault" franchise has 5,000 Steam Achievements; however, the games also fall into a genre known as "achievement spam." Each of these Achievements bears the name and description "Super Trivia Champion" / Trivia Vault / Professor Watts Memory Match and are unlocked through starting the game.

Overpriced achievement spam masquerading as a memory game. You are granted the one achievement before you even play, you just need to load up the game to have it register to your account, takes 1 second literally, I had to play for 5mins just so I could leave this review, what a joke.
Designed to lure ppl who want to up their 100% achievement number with zero effort.
Julkaistu 30. heinäkuuta 2023
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
6 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 0.1 tuntia
All of Ripknot Systems Games are all achievement spam games with 5,000 achievements, or 1 if the game has profile features limited. The achievements somehow unlock all at once from your library without opening the game, which can crash Steam for the games with 5,000 of them - so simply start and close the game after a second and there you go - all achievements unlocked for a "perfect game".

As another reviewer pointed out, the developer also jacked up the price of all their games so the -90% discounts would look better. You can see this on the SteamDB page for any of the games.

The dev literally went to google and searched for "Pirates Life" took the first few words and created this "word search" so players have to "puzzle" them together. They also include spelling mistakes, so avoid at all cost.
Julkaistu 28. heinäkuuta 2023
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
38 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 5.5 tuntia
Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara is a very minimalistic 3D platformer that gets a lot of things right in terms of gameplay and feel, although it has its shortcomings in other areas.

✔️ The eight islands are not all played in the same way, and each one has its own unique approach that must be taken in order to reach the final boss.
❌ There are some text messages that repeat themselves very often, and you can see this clearly in the races with Mayo, Sandy & Bo-Ho.
✔️ Bosses on the islands are all unique and have different strategies for defeating them as well.
❌ Unfortunately, the story is a bit of an afterthought and not the main reason to play the game in the first place; it's serviceable, but nothing more.
✔️ Controls initially require some getting used to, but as the game progressed, I found that they were intuitive and precise.
✔️Visual aesthetic encourages exploration and is strikingly reminiscent of titles like Wind Waker.

Additional Info:

Content & Replay Value
Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara took me 5.5 hours to complete 100% with every achievement. With speedrunning options in the settings menu to improve your overall time on each level, including a leaderboard with times from players around the world, I found several reasons to keep coming back. For Achievement Hunters: This is an easy game to get 100% on.
Single Player Only
Controller Recommended?
Yes, but you can also use KB/M
Is it worth buying?
Yes, although I would lower my expectations a bit. It's not an "A Hat in Time"-style extraordinarily good platformer, but it's certainly good.

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Story, Gameplay, Overworld & Dialogue

In Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara, players take control of Koa and Napopo, who must make their way through eight different worlds in a new island paradise in Mara. The pirates have stolen or destroyed a number of items from the town Qälis, and now they want to challenge Koa and Napopo with a variety of tasks and trials. As an adventurer with a thirst for redemption and conservation, you will set out on your ship to visit these colorful biomes and return what was once stolen to its rightful home. From magical temples to temperamental volcanoes, players will assemble a group of brave friends in pursuit of a band of mischievous pirates who have turned the city of Qälis upside down. Now it's up to you to rebuild the town, get new outfits for Koa, help clean Mara's waters to protect its wildlife, and most importantly, discover if you're a fearless little pirate.

Influenced by games like Super Mario 3D World, Crash Bandicoot, and even The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara is sure to appeal to those who grew up playing platformers and those looking for a simple, but fun summer adventure. The game is all about moving quickly through colorful environments, avoiding traps and solving puzzles to progress through each stage. Thankfully, Koa's boat is still around, and you'll be able to collect seashells that can be used to buy new items, clothes, and even upgrades for the main town hub. In-between levels, you can explore a town with shops, have people to talk to, and you can do sidequests.

Like Mario 3D Land/World, Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara is basically a linear 3D platformer with a fixed camera perspective. The game focuses on having a smooth and responsive control scheme for the gameplay, and it succeeds somewhat in most aspects, but falls flat in a few. For example, you can sprint, jump, and you can roll on landing, which gives you a much bigger speed boost. There is also a grab button that allows you to throw objects such as bombs into certain obstacles, but that's about it. This is all Koa can do, which is not a bad thing in my opinion, but there could have been a lot more interaction. Instead of spending most of the game jumping and rolling once I hit the ground, I found myself longing for a Super Mario-style dive, a double jump, the ability to roll without jumping, or even a sidehop to give me some different choices.

Structurally, each level has a few alternate paths for any collectibles you might need, but otherwise it's a straight shot to the end. The speed with which you complete a level earns you either a gold, silver or bronze medal. So it's better to take your time, collect all the collectibles, and then replay the level to get the best time. The levels were generally not designed to stand out, but overall they were fun to play. There was a basic platforming idea in each level that was executed in a straightforward manner. I had a lot of fun when the roll-jump was a perfect fit, and it is a really good feeling to be able to complete a level without any mistakes. Once a level is finished, the microsecond celebratory pose of Koa and Napopo is comically undersold compared to Mario’s – now rather overblown – twirl when collecting a star.

Koa's adventure is therefore all about her overcoming fun trials/challenges; it's not about her having deep conversations with anyone. As you can see in the two prequels that take place in the same universe, Summer in Mara and Stories of Mara, she has already experienced a lot. She is held in high esteem by every character from the very beginning, which can be very confusing if you haven't played the other games. Sadly, Koa fails to be both wholesome and to have meaningful dialogue throughout the plot. This means that each person is completely forgettable. What's more, three of the four kids from the intro cutscene quickly disappear from the main screen. They all stay on the hub island, occasionally taking part in a race where they fall behind drastically after a second.

A full playthrough will, at most, take six to eigth hours for casuals to complete, including the hidden collectibles. It's a rather short game, so don't go into this for length. Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara is like a delightful evening meal with your parents: a perfect experience for the few bites it takes and the hours it lasts. In fact, the run time is more enjoyable particularly because it doesn't really overstay its welcome. The game knows what it's about, lays out what to expect and then lets players come to a fitting conclusion, before the whole gets too stale. Although I have to admit that in my personal experience the game loop got a little bit monotonous towards the end, which is why I'm glad that it's not that long.

My Specs

CPU: i9 9900k GPU: RTX 2080 Ti RAM: DDR4 32 GB RAM OS: Win10 Resolution: 1440p @144hz


For the price, especially if you have kids, Koa is a nice platformer for a game night when you want to do something casual and wholesome. It's a little too easy, and most players will be able to complete 100% in two or three sessions. It is an experience that is sure to leave you wanting more in terms of gameplay, but what we have here is pretty good. The protagonists are neat, the graphics are vibrant and colorful, and it's a lot of fun to bounce around the levels. With a little more range of motion or even freedom of movement, as well as a more meaningful dialog, Koa could have been exceptional. So if you're in the mood for something wholesome, this will no doubt do your gamer's heart good, if only for a short while.

Final Verdict: 7.5/10 – A nice, but lacking summer adventure. 💖
Julkaistu 27. heinäkuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 27. heinäkuuta 2023.
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