Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
Gern 4.7. klo 21.20 
Oly ♥♥♥♥♥ im jelqing to your pfp uhhhhhhhhghhhhhhhgoooooooooo oooohohohhhh
Izableata 4.7. klo 20.11 
a brat
smulvt 28.2.2023 klo 12.48 
Do you have any TF2 items you'd be willing to trade? Thanks
T1gr 4.5.2020 klo 20.26 
kinda hates me :(
Bismarck 31.3.2020 klo 17.45 
+rep Amazing person and furry, Ruby is simply amazing to play with!
【Pixel The Folf】 30.3.2020 klo 14.24 
+rep cool pfp and didn't kick me off the server