║ṃṝ. ƊƦⱯǤΩⱾ║   Khabarovsk, Russian Federation
"I haven't let anyone get in my way before. You think I'm gonna start now?":csgox:
Trusting others is Your greatest vulnerability. Beware of their sweet tongue, promises that are to be inevitably broken, misguided advices, strick and subjective judgments, self-oriented beliefs as well as any arrogance and rudeness toward You - that's all nothing. Heed the wisest, bypass the fools.
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Сколько людей, столько и мнений - эти коллизионные ситуации стоит учесть прежде всего, когда речь пойдёт об Dragon Commander. Хотя и не знаком с игровой продукцией Divinity, я воочию лицезрел, какие старанья приложил разработчик; а скажу прямо - немыслемые труды. Геймплей - раз, пусть многим не угодивший, когнитивная разрозненность может быть принята адекватно, ежели только постараться безо всякой пакостной цензуры изложить свою критику и всяческий раз опрометчиво не рекомендовать игру для приобретенья, сюжетная линия - два, но и ещё не всё. Отдельного вниманья заслуживают персонажи. Но по порядку обо всём (чего не упущу из вниманья).
Я тут же ринулся на скидку, поскольку скриншоты в магазине дали понять - что-то этакое, нечто, стоящее моего вниманья. Поскольку я не просто не равнодушен к такому великолепнейшему магическому, мифологическому существу как дракон, постер сам по себе завлёк; и теперь я торжествую - визуалия совпала с полученными ощущенями от игры. Это революционный прорыв! Возвращаясь к персонажам, они освежили мою голову, ведь я совсем запамятовал, в чём сосредоточена вся квинтэссенция жанра ролевой игры - взаимодействие с игроком; нет, отнюдь не тем, кто поиграет и бросит, присовокупив в духе "Неблагодарная трата денег!". Нет, начинать нужно отнюдь не с сего. Мне сразу вспомнился Скайрим: слушай монолог персонажа и выбирай реплики. Но в этой игре мне то выдалось как нечто особенно: персонажи свойские и каждый на свой манер, а я в открытую расхваливаю персонализационные параметры персонажей. А эти искромётные реплики... Изысканность. Ты воюешь (ежели должно и рассудительно воспринять то), а после фронта ожидают политические стыки, которые необходимо разрешать. Ты мыслишь разностороннее, ведь ты не только император, "who is a half of the dragon", но ещё и политик. И я благодарен за ввод самого значимого образа, заключённого в персонаже Максос. Этот старец всем станом своим символизирует мудрость и терпеливость. Он уважает сына императора, прояляет к нему такую снисходительность, которой порой и не добиться от самых желанных людей. Да и он поживает себе одинокий в капитанской каюте. Нет, у меня просто язык не поворачивается, дабы высказать что-либо критичное, в супротив сей перфекции.
Поначалу я зашёл в игру и я предательски ожидал, что сейчас сон активно начнёт мною завладевать, когда я буду просто тыкать на мышку (в параллель используя клавиатуру). Но не зазря я любил стратегии, не спроста-таки сей жанр притязал. Он явно развивает, а не оставляет тебя в рецессивном состоянии игрового нёрда, который безо всякого уваженья к труду пожуёт всю игру, как жвачку, а потом оскробительно плюнет. Я однозначно не пожалел, что впервой завидел игру, в коей мне довелось испытать эстетическое удовольствие ввиду разномастности элементарных связующих знаменательной игры Dragon Commander. Я максимально отрицаю, что эта игра подразумевает глупостное тыканье мышкой и требованье возврата денег.
Generally about profile's public commenting restriction
:Brante: The information given below is all about Primitive Subjects.
:qq: Primitive Subjects should be known as weird-personality, or mentally challeneged users, who intentionally:
:lvl3pages: consider inadequate behaviour as an ordinary and normal thing to be addressed to others;
:lvl3pages: in particular cases, shows naive evidences of things that occured recently or must be occured with your mother (bless these poor creatures, amen!);
:lvl3pages: provide themselves with a unique right of blaming You, especially for everything that happened simply during gaming sessions, which also comes with rudeness, impolite, strong lexicon, etc.;
:lvl3pages: abuse all your rights and You as a person... and somehow surprisingly picking deliberately Your profile among three Survivors and pooping in the comments zone with batshift nonsense (it's a personal example; signalizing where it all started);
:lvl3pages: ignore any ways of conveying they thoughts in a civilized manner providing You with clear, sober-minded and mature arguments on the subject of their accusation, so they never bother themselves with all kind of ethical rules while communicating with You by any means (and never expect any sign of respect in their comments).
All in all, the core feature of a Primitive Subject is inadequate agression formed and emerged from nothing but of their own rudeness, as they used to communicate in the way "I didn't like this one of him = I commenting "You ***tard, I raped yur mom long before u were born, and hey, I'm your daddy, b##ch! Die horribly and delete ur game and the profile, too".

Now, I conclude this issue with several observations.
1) Rudeness is always a fast route to express your mind, as far as it gives you a direct opportunity to explain what's wrong along with your emotional state. But all these Subjects won't even think how it reflects on others, that's why they Primitive: they have one-sided vision of the people around them. Even though, in reality they're not brave enoungh in agressing like they do online.
2) I disabled public commenting because I really and completely tired of witnessing your primitive behaviour. Moreover, I see absolutely zero satisfaction in replying you with the same shi~ you throw right in my face, I just give you back what you crapped as I don't want it to lie around me and spread its deadly aroma of your, yet again, primitive toxicity.:Horzine:
3) That's what every normal mature individual expects from your primitivity, a detailed response that will give a clear understanding of what been done wrong. Also, be able to listen to others, but no, you just pooped another piece of junk in the comments, and since that moment you feel confident about it 'cuz everything is done in a way ONLY YOU accept it.

That's it, three paragraphs is enough.
I find your lewdness distressing and catastrophically disappointing, thus, the worst thing is that I have to 1] see what you've crapped and find out your shifty attitude about my gaming and pesonality as well (and you didn't even consider that I hadn't done anything arrogant or abusing to you, all I was doing is my best during the match; if you think that me, me and no one else but ME ruined your game, think twice - quite possible, it's also about teamwork, not only my fault); 2] decide whether reply or ignore your primitive and vacuous profanity.

I didn't give a damn of anything that was pooped in the comments last two years, especially anything came out from hidden profiles (both rus. and eng). Today I realized that I just had enough of this, you Primitive dumbbells.
As there's no any reason of commenting here, 'cuz nowadays it's used solely for abusing and lexicon pooping matters, I cut off the way from reach of your filthy fingers that needed to be sawed off:chainsaw: for good and stick so deep into the place of your dark fantasies (ask dungeon master Wan how it's done properly) one by one until you understand how to use them wisely.

This's a drastic, reluctant but necessary measure. I miss those days when normal people left adequate and pleasant comments. Since taking part in DbD, it was ruined by Primitive community members. Stop annoying me anyhow, any longer with your stupidity, please! It's simply a GAME where I spend my time like all others do.
Feel free to issue your blood flavored reports to my profile, I won't know about it anyway. I won't get banned because of this in no way as I'm sure that, in any situation, no harm is done from my side, and I don't even mean to neither abuse nor offend anyone, even if there's someone clearly deserving it. I spent in DbD enough time to discover what's completely ruined match looks like (and never let myself to leave any match standing till last), and so, your wound, as well as intention to put your aggression at me, are totally meaningless.

I didn't want do it silently, as if I cried and cowardly ran away in seek of sweet salvation. I merely explained to all who are among Primitive Subjects in my point of view, and the core idea is think thoroughly before vomiting all that rubbish dwelling in your head.

All this time I've been reporting every aggressor, and no one else except them. And I won't stop do it - soberly, with reason, and fair, not because of emotions that drives me wild, if I see an obviously Primitive Subject. - this's one of the finest among the noble numbers of Primitive Subjects.
Reported, blamed, and forgotten.
This's the pure evidence of Primitivity on which everything ended with me tiredly facepalming of what the hell he crapped out. Remember him as a jerk, and then forget once and for all 'cuz individuals like him are everywhere, you don't need to remember them - they remind us of their ugly presence themselves once there's spark in their head - to shiftpost into your precious profile.

And then, it's over.

10.27.2023 - Public independent opinion, rest in peace.:hskull:
JenꞳter 26 OCT 2023 a las 4:41 
I'm more than just a player .... - и вправду, очередной кудахчащий петух. Слился, так ещё и хрень пишешь.
[60 SQUAD]SunR1sy 26 OCT 2023 a las 4:31 
твоя мать шлюха хабровская сдохнет ♥♥♥♥♥
JenꞳter 21 OCT 2023 a las 4:11 
+-/* another anonimous coward who blames others but not yourself. Keep it up.
Miss_No.One 21 OCT 2023 a las 3:58 
-rep useless trash typical rus
JenꞳter 4 OCT 2023 a las 6:14 
Повесь себе медаль на грудь, если таким можно гордиться. Надеюсь, ты это не про себя написал.
Raze 4 OCT 2023 a las 6:09 
переиграл бомжа с гейскими перками ♥♥♥♥♥