Casablanca, Morocco
Felicitá 1 ott 2020, ore 7:24 
OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 Take me by the hand ✋ lead me to the land that you understand 🙌 🌊 OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 The voyage 🚲 to the corner of the 🌎 globe is a real trip 👌 🌊 OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 The crust of a tan man 👳 imbibed by the sand 👍 Soaking up the 💦 thirst of the land 💯
Ufuku 4 lug 2020, ore 15:10 
Good guy
scrim 17 mar 2020, ore 7:18 
ekrazatator 6 mar 2020, ore 18:00 
bursted on the ground bro
MrCrazyGoat 1 set 2019, ore 5:23 
Great duels were had with you my friend.
Eiidm 10 ago 2019, ore 13:46 
Salutations Good Sir :mhpatchie: