Ontario, Canada
If I dont know you ♥♥♥♥ Off

Read Below First Before Adding Me..

Add Me?
You want to be my friend? well why's that? many people add me, but dont talk to me, you add someone becasue you want to be their friend correct?, well being someones friend is the emotions or conduct of friends, the state of being friends. being someones friend is also a relationship between friends. If you dont want that relationship of friendship, then why are you even bothering to add me?

If you want to trade with me I'm always donw for trading, No vaults, or middle man's and ♥♥♥♥ like that. Only looking to be trading, no selling etc. Trade link

My VAC Ban?
Don't bother asking me about it. I can't play CS:GO now.

Best Song I've Ever Seen :

Leave a comment, I'm lonely /:

distantyouth 24 marca 2017 o 10:49 
hit me up when you get the chance