United Kingdom (Great Britain)

ninkenpoop 5 mai 2021 à 16h08 
Signed by vulla <3 this man is by far the best freestyler in eu ;)
Laurence. 1 mai 2021 à 16h08 
Signed by KuXXeon.
ThePotatoSenpai 25 déc. 2020 à 11h14 
oi mate, gotta apologize here
I watched some of my clips from yesterday - I had a few pints in, which led me to confuse you with my previous teammate that I have been queued with & against 3 times in a row.
His name was his Twitch-url. He was salty-afk in the 3 matches, just because his teammate or I made a mistake.
So my drunken arse thought that you are him, hence me being "not cooperative" and "denying" you the win.

genuinely sorry about it mate

happy holidays along with a happy new year
Kirby 24 déc. 2020 à 11h23 
Merry Christmas! ༼ つ◕_◕ ༽つ
Stacotta 15 déc. 2020 à 5h59 
+rep makes up for his mistakes
Sir Whiff's A Lot 17 nov. 2020 à 17h12 
Fav streamer of all time hands down