Fermin Caballero   Florida, United States
My dream is to share my love for Gaming with the world.

A different game every day! Funny and interesting commentaries
Geisterbox 2019 年 1 月 5 日 下午 3:08 
Unlike oblivion 🅾️ & skyrim❄️,morrowind 🌋is a challenging 🏋️‍♂️game 🏀& requires patience🧘‍♂️ & time🕓,it's not a game🏈 for everyone👨‍👩‍👧‍👦(hell 🔥in morrowind 🌋there isn't a map🗺 marker🎯 & that's something ❌we take for granted✅ in modern 📱games🕹)I'm 👁not 🚫saying 🗣morrowind 🌋is a bad👎 game🕹,it's a good 👍game 🕹but both oblivion0️⃣ & ➕skyrim❄️☃️ are more fun😸 & straightforward➡️.
Geisterbox 2018 年 6 月 14 日 下午 4:58 
If you're 👀👀reading😎 this 👈then youre😰👤🤗 invited☑➡📩 to my ⚀⚁12th⚀⚁ birthday🎉 party!🎊 As you👉👤 all 👥know,💭 no 🙅fake🛇💯🛇 friends 👦👧allowed!!☡☡ I cant🚫 😲f@#%🤐 with you 👉(im not 🔞allowed➡ to 🔇curse😲🔇 because my👩 mom👩 will put ➡➡me in ⏰time⏱ out📵) We👌 r 🎉going😂👌 to turn🔊📣📻 up⤴⤴!! Only bring 🚶your 🎖A-game 🏅, becuz you 👉will be❎ kicked🚷 the H E 🏒🏒double hockey 🏒🏒sticks out➡ if youre 😷not partying🎉 😲hard 👅🍆💯enough!!💯 If your 😣not😣❎ ready to get 😵drunk 😨off diet🍷 pepsi🍷 (mom👩💬 said im🗨 not old💀👴 🔞enough🔞 for regular pepsi 😣😭 ) then i😲 cant 😠have you 💥killing🔪🔫 my 🎉party🎊!!
smallturns 2018 年 1 月 15 日 下午 1:31 
If I may say something in response to what you said 3 month ago I think if i'am guessing right Siddd. Maybe he's assuming MrRhexx is a he is christen if got band from steam exactly the number of years our lord saviour jesus christ was born! But whether i'am mocking you in a friendly way on that whole sentence or not can you or someone elss tell me why he got ban from Steem and forther more seeing that's he's back why is he not communicating to people if so?
RadORCan 2017 年 12 月 28 日 下午 1:28 
Ever thought of coming back to 'This war of mine"? Loved your videos and there are some new dlcs
wayc 2017 年 12 月 8 日 上午 10:13 
mastob 2017 年 12 月 5 日 上午 11:44 
fallout video next?