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33 timer spillet
It is Half-Life, Dishonored and Dead Space rolled into one. One could write volumes about this game, but the bottom line is that you must play Prey if you love the immersive sim genre.

My best moments in Prey were
1. Setting up turrets and watching them cause mayhem on mimics,
2. Finding out the secret codes to secret safes and looting them,
3. And figuring out the multiple uses of the Huntress Boltcaster crossbow.

The sights and sounds of Talos I will stay with me forever. I only dream of a remaster far in the future with full ray tracing goodness, less ugly character models with tighter animations. (Even without those future things, the game is flawless today).

Overall Rating: Absolutely essential gaming. You owe it to yourself to get immersed in this space station.
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12,1 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 6. dec.
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sidst spillet d. 11. nov.
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sidst spillet d. 30. okt.
Godzooky 13. jan. 2018 kl. 10:52 
so many prefect game