2 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2.5 hrs on record
Posted: 17 Nov, 2014 @ 2:48pm
Updated: 15 Jun @ 2:57pm

This is not a good game - and it's not because of the Ubisoft Launcher.

Let me help you understand why.

Okay. Let's do this. You don't know until the combat starts - but your character actually has X-Ray vision!
Yes... Really...

Once you shoot an enemy all his movements and location are forever highlighted to you without any explanation as to why. Meaning that if the enemy runs away to hide behind a brick wall - who cares! You can still clearly see him highlighted anyway.

The game has no immersion what so ever - Allow me another example to explain it to you:

It's a Sandbox Game that isn't a Sandbox Game at all.
This is not Skyrim with guns.

The game presents a huge island to explore. That is, unless you have a mission to do.
If your character leaves the mission area the game will force you to teleport you back to the start of the mission area. How immersive.

This and many other annoyances leaves the player feeling like the game is constantly slapping you on the wrist and saying "Bad player. Play how we say!!"

The game is way too easy and running in shooting has almost no downsides whatsoever as landing a head shot rewards just as much XP as a stealth kill, despite requiring less set up and less skill.

This game treats the player as an idiot in many different ways. As far as I can tell after a few hours, so far it's impossible to fail a mission.

Not skilled enough to stealth into a camp? - Who cares, just carry on!
You can't fail the missions!! This game treats the player like an idiot.

All the bad guys use the AK47, which means after you pick one up you're never worrying about ammo ever again. Non of the guns seem to have any recoil mechanics.

The game looks very impressive - but a quarter of the screen is taken up by a Mini Map you can never toggle off and if you're on a mission you better believe the missions paragraph long description takes up the left hand side of your HUD too.

Farcry 3 cleverly tricks the player by using what I can only describe as a 'fake distance'.
Meaning although you can clearly see mountains and such in the background the actual local area visible is only ever quite limited but disguised in quite a clever way, even on Ultra graphics settings.

As a console port the FOV is a decent 110, along with Direct X11 and Ultra graphic settings do make the game look very nice. However in the middle of a thick jungle at night time without lamps or fire it isn't actually dark.

Aside from some good visuals and good characters (the main bad guy is actually really decent and interesting) the game is weak in so many areas. I'm glad i picked it up for £3.75 last Christmas.
I would have been devastated to pay full price for this effort.

Avoid it and play one of the much better shooters out there - unless you're after an easy no brainer FPS, to hold your hand as you play.
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Mofow 16 Nov, 2015 @ 11:06am 
I'd prefer feedback on the specific points I've mentioned, I'd be intrested to know what changes say 10 or 20 hours into the game, from what I understand, the issues I had with the combat are the same through out.
Jutm4n22 16 Nov, 2015 @ 12:41am 
2.5hrs playtime on a 25-40 hour game is not enough to give a balanced and accurate review