M Ł   Malopolskie, Poland
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1 banimento de jogo em registro | Informações
2035 dia(s) desde o último banimento
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧⁧211 24 de ago. às 11:33 
-rep This f*g has an obvious cheater on his team and does nothing about it, I know there's not much you can about it, but at least refusing to play would be enough instead he decided to play like everything's fine, what a pitiful loser he is.
Opilore 29 de abr. às 6:48 
Match time? I'm game!
76561199262208538 29/nov./2023 às 4:32 
+rep, siema, dodaj do znaj, mam sprawe
mdvd 171 21/ago./2022 às 5:40 
Воронеж 16/ago./2022 às 9:47 
ΚЯΥPƬӨ 27/abr./2022 às 12:41 
+rep :)