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6 people found this review helpful
85.7 hrs on record (85.4 hrs at review time)
I have heard a lot about Crosscode over the years and truth be told I never paid it too much attention despite hearing so much praise.
Now that I have had the chance to beat the game and it's dlc I have to say I wish I got around to playing it sooner!

The game is a journey worth experiencing with really fun puzzles and combat and phenomenal sound design that just makes the act of playing the game super fun, heck just hitting enemies and bushes just feels great to do!

My only two issues with the game is that depth perception is a common issue while exploring and solving jumping puzzles which comes from the nature of it being isometric and it is very difficult to properly convey what is a different elevation from the player from that perspective.

Also the actual in-game... game I suppose you would call it?
Crossworld the in-universe MMO they are playing.
That story is not as inherently interesting and creates a disconnect from the actual story in my opinion just by always having that knowledge that everything is make belief and it sometimes is a bit hard to differentiate what is the actual story of the game and what is the story of the in-game MMO.

The story of Lea and the rest of the supporting cast is just brilliant and I really learnt to love pretty much each and every character.
I think it is a really touching story and I got pretty emotional at times while playing.

From a gameplay perspective the game is fairly simple and never really goes too in-depth in terms of forcing you to grind or engage with the RPG mechanics outside a surface level build.
Which I think is good as it is not really supposed to be as grindy and just by doing side quests I was always more then prepared to face the next dungeon and side bosses.

Where the game does go very in-depth however is the puzzles.
In terms of the three big pillars of gameplay.
That being combat, exploration and puzzles; then puzzles are by and large probably over 50% of the entire games content.

Now reading online this does seem to be the biggest point of contention in the community.

I really enjoyed the puzzles!
They where not always perfect and I am pretty sure I accidentally sequence broke a handful of them by overcomplicating it haha.
But they where really well made and I always felt very accomplished after beating them!

Overall as a whole package Crosscode is without a shadow of a doubt one of the better indie games I have ever played and I can recommend it to pretty much everyone!

Also how the heck did you guys manage to create this whole game in HTML5!?!?!?!
Posted 9 September. Last edited 9 September.
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43.2 hrs on record
Well that was an experience I suppose.
Starting off on nightmare difficulty the start of the game was miserable being one shot by everything and doing little to no damage and having no healing.

Then once you get a few guns and level up you very quickly become so powerful you practically become invincible and the game kinda becomes a bit fun but a little boring by how few guns actually are that effective or helpful, you pretty much main the shotgun 80% of the game and use nothing else.

Then once you go to Ultra Nightmare the enemies become such bullet sponges that one shot you yet again that you have to optimize all the fun out of the game by only using the highest like 3 DPS weapons since using anything else would lead to you dying long before you killed anything.

The world of RAGE 2 is also nothing like RAGE 1 and you might aswell pretend it isn't since apart from a few shared characters and themes there are no real similarities.

1 being this cold and harsh desert/urban post apocalyptic world where people fight against bandits and the regime of the authority and mutants to survive.

While in 2 although similar in enemy structure there is no harshness to the world and everyone is super nonchalant, joking constantly, using hashtags in normal conversation and generally not really acting like real people but rather just one off joke machines for the player character to riff on.

The quality of the main missions is a big step below even the side missions in RAGE 1.
It is actually pretty impressive how low quality this game is from a cinematic point of view.

In a vacuum the combat is really fun even if it is much too simplistic and forces such an aggressive playstyle that you have no real use for much of your equipment.
But when the difficulty selection is between
"Everything is so easy you could easily melee everyone and win"
"Everyone insta-kills you so quickly you realistically have 2 guns to choose from to win"

It makes the game a very hard sell unless you really are just looking for a quick and simple 5-7 hour long main campaign (yeah it really is that short, 7 short missions total) to play through once on easy and never look back.

Tons of glitches, bugs and softlocks also really dampen the experience and I really recommend you look up a guide just so you know where the infamous softlocks that makes the game unbeatable are so you can avoid them.
The dlc's are also very meh and I can't really recommend them or for you to 100% the game like I did.

Overall I did have fun with the combat for a few hours but I didn't really enjoy much else about the game.
It is not worth it in the slightest.
Posted 3 August. Last edited 4 August.
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31.1 hrs on record
RAGE's story isn't the best and by the second half of the game with the rebels the story really drops the ball into what became one of the most infamous worst final levels and endings to gaming in modern times.

That said, the gameplay is nothing short of amazing.
Shooting enemies with all their highly detailed animations and the way they react to your shots feels nothing short of masterful and makes this game a pleasure to play and replay all these years later.
Although even on Ultra Nightmare difficulty the game is way too easy in a similar way to Crysis.
Just accept how easy it is and take it as a fun power fantasy game.

It's always so satisfying when the last enemy shouts
at the end of the combat *chef's kiss*

The racing isn't as good but apart from the "rally" races it's pretty inoffensive and can sometimes be fun even if the AI doesn't know how to drive.

Overall for the low price this game often goes for it is well worth it for the short and cinematic experience of the fun combat. Made even better with the combat scenario's extra mode to just skip to the combat and nothing else!
Posted 3 August. Last edited 23 August.
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8.2 hrs on record
Did I enjoy it despite it's flaws?
Very much yes.

Would I recommend you buy it at the insane 30€ price tag for what is a 6 hour long glitchfest?

Don't get me wrong the movement is super fun and I really did enjoy spending some extra time just flying around and doing parkour.
The story also has some cool set pieces and although no boss fight itself was all that amazing the scale of them and the spectacle was cool.

But the game is incredibly short, the game is very glitchy and will regularly softlock or send you flying out of bounds.
The combat is also so braindead easy even on hard difficulty that I went through regular enemies so fast I barely even know what their actual attacks looked like.

I really think the movement was so well done that if it was a parkour focused game about doing tricks that didn't have combat it would have been better for it.
As it stands now the shockingly large amount of cutscenes and bad combat that constantly takes you away from doing the fun movement is doing the game a major disservice

All in all if you get it at like 90% off it can be a lot of fun, it's actually a pretty fun game.
But it has too many issues that makes it very hard for me to actually recommend you buying it.
Posted 13 July. Last edited 13 July.
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62.0 hrs on record
I will admit the core gameplay was fun, like a faster paced Mario Kart but slightly more skill based.

However there is a lot of issues that makes me not recommend this game.

Firstly. Being a failed live service game you will get f-all in terms of rewards from actually playing the game, you more or less only get money to spend in the store along side a few really ugly characters and cars/boats.

The game constantly begs you to go to the shop to spend your in-game and real life money to buy new things.
Seriously every 20-ish minutes the shopkeeper advertises the store.

There is also 4 battle passes in the game and of course even if you paid for them you don't get xp for all of them at the same time. You have to pick one to activate, so you will not get what you paid for without a few hundred hours of grinding the same 24 races over and over and over again.

So you get little to no rewards for actually playing the game outside of battle passes and buying stuff with money.

Now comes the really funny part.
Say you buy a faster car, well the AI in the game has the most aggressive form of rubber banding I have ever seen so no matter how fast you go; you will literally never outspeed the opponents no matter what.
Making buying new cars and boats ultimately pointless and I used the same car for 95% of the game cause there was no point in switching.

The story was incredibly uninteresting and unlike the racing has no twists or turns.
Plus 99% of the jokes fall completely flat, you can't just sit there and make snarky jokes and remarks about capitalism while also being a live service hell designed to squeeze as much money out of kids as possible.

The game is also super glitchy and you will often get stuck on the smallest of geometry during maps.
But even that doesn't matter cause if you ever fall behind the AI will do a hard stop to let you win regardless so the campaign is not difficult in the slightest.

Overall getting 100% in this game was a miserable experience for the most part and I really don't recommend getting this game for yourself or your kids.

TL:DR Live service hell paid for game that feels like a free to play game with all the negatives and non of the positives.
Posted 9 July.
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17 people found this review helpful
25.8 hrs on record (18.8 hrs at review time)
WOW, Just wow.
This free prologue is more feature complete and better designed then most paid games.

The gameplay: On point
The graphics: On point
The music: On point
The UI: On point

It's near perfectly made, no seriously it's that good!
It's been years that a game has captivated me this much.
So please do yourself a favor and play this amazing game now!!
Posted 11 June. Last edited 11 June.
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9 people found this review helpful
17.6 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
What a great game, it's has an incredibly charming book aesthetic where you reach points in the story that you can flip back to at any time to change key events and it will actually flip through a physical book with page numbers and all.

The narration is wonderfully done as the narrator will flex her vocal range to suit the mood of the scene and it really feels like the narrator is just as invested in the story as you are as the twists and turns unfold.

Alongside an incredible musical score that both helps accentuate the deeper mysteries of the small town and it's citizens.
But also a really brings to life a wonderful sense of childlike exploration as the main characters play around and live their lives.

I was so invested that I actually could not put the game down and finished it in two sittings over the course of one day just because of how compelling it was.
It's not the longest game in the world, but every branching path somehow managed to tell an equally engrossing story that together paint the whole picture.

All in all I don't actually want to go into any details about the actual story as it is better experienced than explained.
Bravo Hiding Spot you've created a truly special game and I hope you'll continue your magic again!
Posted 26 March. Last edited 26 March.
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6 people found this review helpful
16.3 hrs on record
The Chant is a modern day classic.
Evoking memories of Alan Wake, Oxenfree and a smudge of Resident Evil.
The Chant offers a great overall experience and is without a doubt double AA horror that punches well above it's budget.

At the start I felt the combat was a bit weird but after a few hours it really clicked with me and I had so much fun smacking away at cultists and the horrors from the beyond without much difficulty, which introduces one of my biggest issues.
The game isn't very difficult, even on the hardest difficulty I never had much trouble and it made the resource management a lot less tense knowing I would never run out or even get close to it with how easily I could dispatch enemies.

I was very quickly drawn in by the story and characters and I really enjoyed the acting, but I think the story should have had more of a slow burn at the start. Being part of a cult is such a unique setting for a game and it's a shame it so quickly get's into the horror and I wish we could have had more time spent learning about the cult and getting to know the other characters.
Some of the characters also have too little screen time which is a huge shame since there are so few of them.

When I beat the game I had some issues with the way it ended and though the game could have done a better end game and the story really fell flat in some areas.
However with the free dlc The Gloom Below, pretty much every issue I had with the original game is fixed and gives an incredible ending to neatly tie the whole game together.

Overall as a whole package I had an absolute blast and enjoyed this game immensely and it really brought back memories of playing Alan Wake back on the 360.
In some areas the budget shows and at full price you are getting a fairly short game, so take that as you will.

But I will sing The Chant's praises to people for a long time and I can't wait to see what the developers have cooking up next!
Posted 15 January.
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14 people found this review helpful
81.0 hrs on record
I am so disappointed in you Capcom.
Adding DRM to an 11 year old game and removing it shortly after getting caught only to probably release it again once people forget is nothing short of disappointing.

Well we won’t forget and I’ll leave this here as a reminder for when they try this again.

Do better.
Posted 11 January. Last edited 11 January.
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8.9 hrs on record
I am giving a thumbs up because I think the pixel art and game feel is really on point.
You can tell the developers has put a lot of passion and care into making it.

But on that note unless you get it on a sale I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.

The game is very short, easy and mechanically shallow.
The story is also much too simplistic and doesn't really do anything we haven't seen before in any other sci-fi world.
Characters in the game are inconsistently written, one moment they can be really sad and depressed but seconds later they completely change their mood and vice versa.
They have a really hard time making the characters feel like a driving force in the story and not just victims of circumstance.
Same with side characters constantly cracking jokes and having their own little "side stories" that don't really go anywhere and are so fragmented I have to wonder why there are so many non generic npc's in the game.

The gameplay has a kind of rock paper scissor dynamic aswell but it's so easy to get around that mechanic the game would largely be identical without it to be quite honest, also it only applies to the enemies.
You're not weak to anything, you can simply sometimes do more damage to certain enemies.
It's not even that if they are weak to something they are strong against something else, you deal natural damage unless you use the right damage type.
So you don't even get punished for not engaging with the mechanic.

So yeah it's a very typical RPG in the style of older Japanese RPG'S but on a much smaller scale.
It might sound like I hated the game from all the negative things I have to say but I enjoyed it while playing on my Deck and I really do think the developers are going to make a lot great things in the future given the chance cause this is brimming with potential.
However it's faults makes me have a hard time recommending the game despite liking it.
Posted 7 January.
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