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последний запуск 23 окт
视界 23 апр в 8:06 
I called a couple of Latino brothers, beat you to a bloody pulp, fell to the ground, and then I tied you up with a rope and tied you behind the rear wing of my luxury sports car, and I stepped on the accelerator in an instant and accelerated for hundreds of miles, and in less than a few tens of seconds, I took you through several blocks, and your body rotted from friction, including the genitals under you, just like a woman's:griefer:
视界 23 апр в 8:01 
@ Shamin Yapuzzi
More than a dozen black men besieged your grandmother and your family, they killed everyone around you with iron rods, axes, knives, and used assault rifles to shoot bullets at the corpses, and your dear family members were instantly beaten into honeycomps, even more terrifying than the corpses of giants who had festered in the lake for three months
视界 23 апр в 7:55 
Your mother's ♥♥♥♥♥ is filled with lime, the flames are burning the womb, the white pulp is smoking, and the wild dogs on the side of the road are excited to bite twice and bite the lower body of the vagina
Sexonthebeach 22 апр в 1:59 
multiple dogs raped his ♥♥♥♥♥ mother before he was born
视界 21 мар в 4:03 
视界 21 мар в 3:53 
尼玛灵车被老子操翻了是不是? 是不是你妈又欠操了?那你这脑瘫儿子来找爸爸的?你妈妈那黑木耳真是喂不饱一天八次不够用 我建议你妈妈用钢管 还是用1米长带铁锈那种 这样你妈妈才喂得饱 你妈妈最近特别饥渴呀 上个礼拜天我玩你妈的时候 你妈妈的逼都泡的发白了 走个路都得扶墙 是纵欲过多了吗? 下次把你那个死去已久的奶奶也带上 好久没奸过尸了 还记得第一次的时候也是搞你奶奶 强奸你奶奶的时候 你奶奶拼尽全力反抗反被日还被抽了几巴掌痛苦流涕最后把你奶奶吊死在井口里 我相信你也会感到高兴 因为再也没有人阻挡我操你妈了 我非常高兴