It helps me escape reality.
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Game Favorit
Jam dimainkan
Progres Pencapaian   108 dari 191
Etalase Ulasan
285 Jam dimainkan
While it has some aspects of "Pay 2 Win", the game is very diverse. It's not your typical cash grab off the mill game. I love the concept of developing a set script for the crew and room actions. This alone easily sets it apart from the rest of the mobile games I've played. I've been playing since the Kickstarter campaign on and off, but it's a game I'd gladly return to from time to time.

You can opt not spending any cash, but be sure to have a lot of patience as the build times get long.
I'd still recommend this to anyone who'd like this type of strategy game.
Aktivitas Terkini
Tercatat 4.197 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 31 Jan
Tercatat 1 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 28 Jan
Progres Pencapaian   1 dari 30
Tercatat 290 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 11 Jan