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11 başarımdan 2 tanesi kazanıldı (%18):
Kişisel Başarımlar

Complete the Graveyard

Find everything hidden in the Graveyard artwork.
Kazanma Tarihi 20 Kas @ 23:37

Complete the Helm Kingdom

Find everything hidden in the Helm Kingdom artwork.
Kazanma Tarihi 20 Kas @ 23:43


Complete the game in its entirety.

Complete the Dragon Tree

Find everything hidden in the Dragon Tree artwork.

Complete the Forgotten Stationery

Find everything hidden in the Forgotten Stationery artwork.

Complete the Toystore

Find everything hidden in the Toystore artwork.

Complete the Thinking Mushrooms

Find everything hidden in the Thinking Mushrooms artwork.

Complete the Cafe Courtyard

Find everything hidden in the Cafe Courtyard artwork.

Complete the Parking Lot

Find everything hidden in the Parking Lot artwork.

Complete the Farming Day

Find everything hidden in the Farming Day artwork.

Complete the Wilderness Brook

Find everything hidden in the Wilderness Brook artwork.