[D410] Laxpanna
I am me   Sweden
500 g skinn- och benfri laxfiléer
1/2 röd chilifrukt
2 vitlöksklyftor
2 msk smör- och rapsolja
1/2 g saffran
2 msk tomatpuré
1 dl vitt torrt vin
4 dl vatten
1 msk konc fiskfond
1 dl crème fraiche
nymalen svartpeppar
pasta till servering

Skär laxen i 2 cm stora tärningar. Borsta och ansa svampen. Kärna ur och finhacka chilifrukten. Skala och hacka vitlöken.
Hetta upp smör- och rapsolja i en traktörspanna och häll i saffran. Tillsätt svamp, chili och lök och fräs ett par minuter under omrörning.
Tillsätt tomatpuré och rör om. Häll i vin, vatten, fond och crème fraiche. Låt småkoka utan lock i 4-5 minuter.
Lägg i laxtärningar och låt koka ytterligare 5 minuter tills de precis är genomkokta. Smaka av med salt och peppar och servera med nykokt pasta.
Marinus 24 Feb, 2024 @ 12:17am 
Last night, the crying of the fanboys kept me awake...and I had a terrible vision. I saw the fall of our franchise: low budget remasters under a harsh sun... Historical Total War, gone! Why would CA send such a vision? They are not cruel; they have watched over us. We have had victories aplenty in game awards. Our community sail to all corners of the forums. Yet even now, I fear. I cannot help it. We are the envy of mobile gamers. They tell terrible lies about us. They do not understand, so they lie. But the Warhammer fanboys, they are the masters of falsehood. New Total War will come, I am sure of it. So. I will have no more false visions...and I think the fanboys will be quiet tonight.
[Host]Octi 9 Aug, 2022 @ 11:04am 
My son was throwing it back butt booty naked, ♥♥♥♥, balls and all, greased up in olive oil from head to toe and everywhere in between. in front of his phone on call with his buddies on "Disscord," with two empty bottles of slick and salty oil on his desk. I heard his friends over speakerphone, masturbating and repeating things like "oh yeah," "get it boy," "♥♥♥♥.." etc. etc. He seemed to be extremely into it, with Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" on full blast on his Alexa.
Ivar 29 Jul, 2022 @ 1:18pm 
DevilDavis 8 Dec, 2018 @ 12:12pm 
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Vollells 5 Apr, 2018 @ 1:21pm 
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[D410] ChristofferB 5 Apr, 2018 @ 1:20pm 
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