ItsChugg 6 พ.ย. 2022 @ 7: 07pm 
Soloッ 26 ม.ค. 2021 @ 7: 20pm 
kelpie black
Trger 19 ม.ค. 2020 @ 1: 24am 

      🌟 Banned by ZONERBOT​.XY​Z 🌟
      The ONLY ONE working Report.Bot!

        Ban date: 2020-01-19 10:24:11

Blitz_Logan 2 ส.ค. 2019 @ 7: 42pm 
GIBBY LOVES YOU - The Real Gibby
Seppuku 19 มิ.ย. 2019 @ 2: 01am 
added you for trades:etgconvict:
My Name Is John 31 ม.ค. 2019 @ 3: 27pm 
What would you give me for my cases
ShortRound 28 ธ.ค. 2018 @ 8: 56pm 
IPEEDINCOUCH 9 พ.ย. 2018 @ 2: 39pm 
+rep awesome funny ass ♥♥♥♥♥