¡¤ Kathoc #!nstinct™
Danny   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Hate, if you want to Hate, if it keeps you Safe, if it makes you Brave.

٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ㋡ ツ ټ


Қăţĥ๏ς /̵͇̿̿/'̿-̅-̅-̅'

Playing since v1.5 back in 2002. I learned to play CS in Korea.

I'm always up for learning new things and meeting new people.
Hit me up to play or chat.

I have experience running communities, servers and teams.
Please let me know if you need help with anything.

!nstinct Clan Homepage! [www.instinctgaming.net]
evilh0mer #!nstinct 2021年3月1日 0時05分 
miss you brotha. hopefully you'll come back on steam some day
nVidya 2020年4月2日 21時37分 
miss you and your creme soda danny
Anarchist501 2017年12月21日 14時42分 
Hey man, you still around?
Buddhafist 2013年12月24日 3時11分 
You're officially my badge post. Who knew so much had changed on steam!!
Also, I love you and hope you're doing good.
¡¤ Kathoc #!nstinct™ 2013年7月17日 23時28分 
Byzantine #!nstinct 2013年1月5日 5時48分 
Oh hell, I think I made a wrong turn. Where am I? I am not good with computer.