Cracow, Malopolskie, Poland
123 7 พ.ย. @ 5: 55am 
Ebanat v kystah camper
KarmicPanda 5 พ.ย. @ 10: 50am 
don't understand why you closed you comments just before writing here..
GG my german friend, GG
and say hi to you friend who left you behind :D
Flexos 5 พ.ย. @ 10: 37am 
How pathetic and lonely you have to be to crouch around all by yourself for 30 minutes on the map with a centennial sniper just to rat around. Like how is this playstyle fun ? And then still just a 1.34 KD. People like you are the reason why 6 star lobbies are so sweaty. The worst and most pathetic playstyle there is.
Benjo 3 พ.ย. @ 10: 37am 
Haha nice nade throw man, really didnt expect that. GG WP Partner :huntbounty::hunterprofile:
PurpleCat27# 12 ก.ย. @ 7: 32am 
the comments speak for themselves. Camping like that realy?
mighty 28 ส.ค. @ 10: 21am