Satan's Lover <Clorox>
Samantha :D
Currently Rank Global Elite, Boosting people for skins, Add me!:steambored:

Enraged people fall on my nerves and sadly they recognize themselves and claim that it's not true. Later on you get called retarded and similar things. why? because some people can't be in another mood than "mad". What do you do? shut your mouth because you got a brain.:steamsalty:
Currently Offline
1 game ban on record | Info
3290 day(s) since last ban
dookiebooty 6 Sep, 2016 @ 3:13pm 
Look For the Lower Case 'L' And You
Will Be Kissed Tomorrow:
*Now Look For The Q And Your Wish
Will Come True:
*This Is Really Hard, Now Find The 'N':
*Now Find The Mistake:
*Something You Really Want, After the
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Now Close Your
Eyes And Make A Wish! ;*;*;*;*;*;* Now
Paste This On 9 pages And Your Wish
Will Come True! Hurry, You Have 20
minutes! Or What You Wished For Will
Be The Opposite
colt 23 Jun, 2015 @ 4:22pm 
anurgee dreenx r bahd 4 u