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Team Fortress 2
nafig narkotiki 22 JUL a las 1:36 
thank you for boost again
WORD 24 ABR a las 1:14 
Dear Seixx
SeiXX 23 ABR a las 23:19 
Dear WORD.
Hi, i'm sorry i didn't reach out to you earlier. Are u still interested in a goth???:steammocking:
WORD 23 ABR a las 5:51 
Yes please:steamhappy:
SeiXX 23 ABR a las 3:11 
Let me be your goth:steammocking:
EvenMore 17 MAR a las 14:53 
+rep friendly and skill player :winter2019cooldog: :steamthumbsup:

thanks for the game :woarrose: