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Évaluations récentes de (Giga Chad) John-Vick

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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
35.6 h en tout (33.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
The game is fun, when playable.

Servers have memory leak issues which cause extreme lag when you go over 5 players in a server.

Once people start making multiple bases/pal boxes the server will crash or cause extreme bungee cording

And nothing can fix it other than a fresh wipe and only playing with 2 people (unless you're on a player hosted server with amazing internet and not a paid host, then youre sol)

Theres also an issue where when logging off or restarting the server pals will go braindead and stop working or teleport to the palbox leaving fridges to perish or other pal based equipment like incubators/fire places etc which means if you work 24/7 and cant be online to maintain anything things wont get done.

If youre able to play 24/7 or suffice with having to start from scratch every time youre on to make food then the games a blast, if youre not bungee cording everywhere or falling off cliffs cause satan decides to grab your pube hairs the second you finally reach the top of said mountain because it doesn't register that you got up the cliff/rock

Also if you have a dream of reenacting the matrix and dodging suicide bombing hornets, then youre in the wrong place, as when you dodge roll around everywhere in a server with 5 or more players youre assentially having a seizure every time you dodge roll

Ps, Relaxasaurus is a track star in the special Olympics.
please do not attempt to win a race with wild Relaxasaurus.

apparently if you own a game through family sharing you're not allowed free speech so i have to post through my boyfriends account.

Youre friendly neighborhood capricorn Ghosten.
Évaluation publiée le 4 février 2024.
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30.9 h en tout
Phenomenal game, You can really tell that the devs actually care about the game. The artstyle is cosy. creepy, and beautiful all whilst also being very minimalist. It features an amazing Soundtrack, and can really just let you sink into the game and play for hours without realising it. The story is quite fun to figure out, although some of it requires you to sort of figure it out for yourself. There are tons of small side content to do, and lots of places to explore, it also has a really enjoyable gameplay loop,

My only qualm is with how good the game is, I wish there was more new content! But the devs are releasing DLC for it!

I hope they add a bit more customisation to your boat though. especially in the layout/inventory section of it.

I would fully recommend picking this game up even at full price, it supports the devs and rewards them for a job well done.

as well as rewards you with an amazing cosy game to play on those days that you just want to relax, and take it easy.
Évaluation publiée le 25 novembre 2023.
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85.7 h en tout (80.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Great game, fun dungeon crawler, can be a bit punishing at first. but lots of fun exploration and discovery.
Évaluation publiée le 19 septembre 2022.
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13 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
189.9 h en tout (77.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
The game is great, it's awesome and there aren't really any other games that do what this one does anywhere near as well as this one. for the most part.

the problem: There isn't enough content to keep you going... after about 10-15 hours of playing, you'll be at a point where you have everything unlocked (for the most part), and will be making so much cash you can't do anything with it.
because there is only so much stuff to spend your money on. buy a new small shed in each of the zones, and/or a small apartment. (I think that there are like 15-20 purchasable "properties" which isn't much in the scope of the game, as what you can do with your properties is extremely limited, specifically. you can buy your small apartment or shed, and then buy some of the few furniture items for it. which essentially are: Cheap bed, couch, chair, table, etc. Decent bed, couch, chair, table, etc. or Expensive bed, couch chair table etc. as well as a few things like cabinets for storage, or a "wardrobe" that lets you "change your clothes" (Doesn't actually change how you look as you can't see your playermodel.) or buy some paintings/decorative plants.

other than that for actual functional stuff you can buy, is where the game shines, you can buy various drug mixing/making equipment, ranging from cheap and inefficient ways of doing things like using an electric coffee grinder, a hand mortar and pestle. all the way up to using high end lab grade equipment, such as: lab grade centrifuges, lab grade precision mixers, Flasks to break down drugs for mixing, to pill pressing machines to make your own pills. and so on.

This aspect of the game is amazing and is done so well, in my opinion no other game does it better.

the dealing itself is fairly fun, while avoiding police patrols, and trying to keep your "suspicion" or "heat" level down, all while trying to deliver the "goods" as fast as you can in order to keep your dealer rating as high as can be. (which in turn lets you charge higher prices for your "goods")

the game loop is repetitive, but very fun in itself. the problem is, the game lacks any real "content" after you get to the point when you're selling to gangs in huge quantity. example, some of the more expensive properties to buy are only like $4000 and you can make upwards of 20-30K when selling to gangs in bulk... which means off of a few sales to gangs you can easily make enough cash to essentially be able to buy everything. and then there isn't much reason to continue selling.

This issue essentially is you just get into the "good" part of the game right around the time you unlock gangs, (the "good" part of the game is when you get access to all of the "merchandise" to sell. as all of the merchandise in the game is locked behind a level restriction. so around the same time you finally unlock all the end game stuff, (H, Coke, Fentanyl,) and can start making these crazy mixes with the Fentanyl, which is when the game really shines as you have to go through numerous steps in your lab to make a super drug. you unlock the gangs, and that makes it so making your own super drugs is almost irrelevant. because why should I waste my time making a super drug to sell and make a few thousand dollars over hours of work. when I can just bulk buy coke, or meth, and do a cheap cut, and sell it for 30K?)

So all in all, the game is amazing, it just doesn't have enough end game content, or reason to keep you playing.

But the devs don't really care about the game, and barely put any work into updating it.

so far they push out a "MAJOR UPDATE" every year or so, and it adds a tiny bit of content. almost like they have one or 2 people working on DDS still, and the rest of the studio is working on other projects.

but Movie Games S.A. and PlayWay S.A. are known to be scummy publishers who release unfinished products, hype them up, and get people to buy them, then run away with the cash.

Unfortunately Byterunners ( the games devs) appear to have none, or almost no, active media presence... which means no way to tell how big of a company they are, or if they are a legitimate company. or if they're owned by MovieGames or Playway.

I just wish they could put a little bit more focus on this game, or try to force the publiser(s) they partnered with to help put some elbow grease into making this game better.

as if they did, I believe this game could be incredibly huge and popular.

I wish steam had a "neutral" option instead of having to choose positive or negative review.

I'd say buy the game if you think you like the concept of selling drugs in a game. otherwise wait for a sale, until the devs actually add more content.

Maybe try to mess around with procedural generation for maps? or for extra sections of the map that are done with procedural generation, to add replayability.
Évaluation publiée le 27 juin 2022.
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229 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
13 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
49.0 h en tout (0.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
A letter to Techland. Actual review further down.

Dear Techland, You should all be ashamed of yourselves, you made such amazing games in the past, and now you've released this pathetic excuse of a game, after keeping us waiting for years, and trying to overhype this game, there is no way you all thought that this game actually meets the expectations of the consumers, or even comes remotely close to being acceptable. You took such an amazing concept from Dying Light, and absolutely ruined it. I am beyond disappointed, and will never purchase another game worked on by Techland. you have lost a loyal, long time consumer.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human Review

The Pros:

-Graphics look pretty good, especially the lighting.

-The new swinging rope mechanic is pretty cool.

-Easter eggs, are pretty cool.

- SPOILER: Spike makes a return! it's nice to see a familiar face.

The ♥♥♥♥:

-The floaty parkour that everyone said wasn't that bad/apparent, is pretty apparent, even on maxed out FOV, it's still very floaty, additionally, running around feels extremely slow.

-The combat is hot garbage. it feels like there's no weight behind your characters swings. they lack a certain something that Dying Light had. as well as it feels like some sort of weird auto aim melee lock on thing is happening. + Health bars are incredibly un-immersive, and make the game feel like it's trying to be something that it shouldn't be.

-The sound design isn't great, there's A LOT of sounds that are legit just ripped/copied from the original Dying Light.

-The skill tree is basically just a worse/cheaper rip from the original Dying Light, and if you added a fusion of a Ubisoft "Far Cry" title. example: "Death From Below" your character can grab an enemy while hanging on a ledge below them.

-The voice acting, it's pretty hit and miss, it seems really awkward a lot of the time.

-The story is annoying, it tries to make you feel emotional by showing you the harsh life of some character you literally never have seen before, and tries to show how you have a "Bond" to said character, despite the player not feeling any connection or "bond" to that character. (This happens within the first 30-45 minutes of gameplay.)

-They added 'Denuvo' days before release. (Denuvo is an anti-piracy software, but it's notoriously known for significantly increasing your computers CPU usage, as well as decreasing your SSD/HDDs lifespan. all so Techland can try to squeeze a few extra dollars out of their fans by making piracy slightly more difficult, not that it will matter as the game is probably already being pirated.

-Horrendous UI. the UI is clunky, cluttered, hard to navigate, and just annoying.

-No sprint button, this is really odd and doesn't feel right, it makes the game feel seriously wrong, and doesn't help when your character feels naturally slow to begin with.

-Censorship! They have released the game in a censored state to anyone in germany, as well as a regional lock restricting anyone playing on the censored version of the game from playing with anyone who isn't on the censored version.

and for those of you saying "they cant help censoring it in Germany" Thats a lie. they literally could just release it as is, as other companies have done in the past. it comes down to getting a different age rating, they censor it and it becomes available on the market for teenagers etc. otherwise it gets marked as an "18+ game" which might limit their sales slightly.

-Minimal gore, I've killed a fair number of zombies so far, and I've only seen one instance of "gore" which was a simple head chopped off, which wasn't very satisfying I might add.

after playing for 12 hours, the gore is slightly more noticeable, but it's not satisfying anywhere near the degree that DL1 was. and it's super toned down. it's just boring decapitations, or an occasional leg coming off. and it's not as fun as DL1s system. you can't mess the zombies up like you could in DL1, where you could actually sees chunks of them missing, and actual broken parts on them. I mean hell, you could cut a zombie in half and watch it's guts pour out basically. in this you get some stupid wayyyy toned down version.

-There is an insane amount of copy pasted content. doing most of the "Dark Hollows" or "Forbidden stores" "Convoys" etc. are literally all copy pasted. they're the exact same thing, with the exact same layout everytime. save for occasionally different enemies. half of the buildings layouts are the same in general as well. same for the GRE buildings. I've genuinely had so many moments where I'm going into a Dark Hollow or Forbidden store or whatever they're called, or a GRE building and had to think to myself "wait.... Is this the same place I've been before?" *Check map* "okay... it just looks the same and has the same layout... but I'm in a different part of the map... so it's not the same one." same goes for a huge portion of the audio. they literally copy-pasted the zombie sounds from the first game. same goes for the sound goons and "heavy enemies" make when they swing their weapon and hit the ground with it. unlockable metal doors have the same audio and animation. (envision red doors in DL1 that you had to open from the inside and "unlatch/unlock") they also copied the screamer sounds from DL1. and I don't mean like "made them similar" I mean literally copy pasted the exact sound files.

-Characters aren't that memorable or intriguing. out of the 12 hours I have played as of writing this right now. I haven't met any truly interesting and intriguing characters that left an impression on me. Like DL1 had a plethora of cool characters I distinctly remember. ranging from Gazi, to Tolga and Fatim. to Rahim, Brecken. Rais. Gas Mask Man. just to name a few. in DL2 I haven't met basically anyone who I think actually has a well written and interesting story, or who I genuinely enjoy the cutscenes for, or interacting with.
even the "big bad guy" of the game that they're setting you up against like Rais from DL1, is boring, cliched. and not interesting.


In conclusion Dying Light 2: Stay Human is not worth purchasing in it's current state. and would require a large discounted price, or a significant number of improvements to be made to it before it's remotely worth buying.

Additional notes and ramblings

I again, am incredibly disappointed in Techland for this pathetic game. This was the one big title I kept my hopes up for in the last 3 years. (aside from BF2042 which flopped as well.) AAA studios are finished, not a single good AAA game has been released in the past 3 years. I challenge anyone reading this to show me one AAA game that's good in the last 2-3 years.

Edit: Since a lot of people keep saying "oh u only hav 1 hour on game rrrrrrrrrrrrr review invalid rrrrr" This has been edited multiple times throughout the 12 hours I have spent trying this game out. and all of the points on the review are ones that are still relevant after 12 hours of playing it. The run speed is incredibly slow under any circumstances, no matter what your character feels like he's lightly jogging at best. the only saving grace is that he has like a 10 ft vertical. which feels weird.
Évaluation publiée le 3 février 2022. Dernière modification le 6 février 2022.
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0.0 h en tout
Upon idealogy's initial release I gave it a negative review. but it has improved, and is now somewhat better. I'd say it's now at least somewhat worth the money if you enjoy playing Rimworld.
Évaluation publiée le 23 juillet 2021. Dernière modification le 18 janvier 2022.
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5.5 h en tout
I loved the original RAGE, but RAGE 2 just doesn't play the same, it's very boring, with very little variety in how the game plays.

Évaluation publiée le 31 janvier 2021.
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18 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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2.0 h en tout
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé

It's in very early stages of development at the time of this review, Version 0.1.

The game is absurdly hard, especially if you are not playing with a full squad of hardened gamers.

||The negatives||

Some of my main qualms with the game currently are: Too many ranged enemies. it seems that almost all enemies have some type of ranged attack. which makes melee not viable aside from an occasional stealth kill.

The sniper isn't very viable from what I've seen. you have to conserve ammunition for it, which is a huge negative when ammo is already very scarce, and with the small number of "tanky" enemies, it just isn't worth using it, could use a buff.

the game can also be incredibly confusing at first for new players, since the game essentially lacks a tutorial. it took me and 2 of my friends about 2 hours of gameplay until we properly understood what we're doing. and even then we didn't finish the first level in the game yet.

There isn't really any progression, which sort of kills the game for me. I wish we could have some degree of progression, even if it is just cosmetic.

There isn't much content in the game yet. and very little replay value. It's essentially the same levels copied over, but with slight RNG of if you find equipment to help you, or if there are a few enemies in an area. currently I believe there are 6 or 7 levels. which are quite small. if the game wasn't ridiculously hard the levels could be beaten very quickly.

adding on to this, in the current stages, it seems the devs *might* attempt to use the high difficulty to pad the games overall "play time" to be higher. rather than add lots of content. I hope they do not do this, but it looks like it could very easily end up that way, especially if they lose passion with this project.

||The positives||

the atmosphere of the game is great, It's spooky, dark, and shocking, sort of like a horror game.

the audio is very nice, with eerie ambient sounds, and creepy sounding enemies.

Graphics are pretty good, it suits the game, with the dark, creepy, abandoned look.

the concept is very cool.


The game has potential, but needs to be developed more before I can recommend it. I will follow the game as it develops, and will update my review after the game has had some changes.

TL;DR, the game is not worth the current price tag, the price should be lowered to 15$ until it is more developed.
Évaluation publiée le 31 décembre 2019. Dernière modification le 31 décembre 2019.
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16.2 h en tout (2.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
gr8 game
Évaluation publiée le 11 janvier 2019.
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1.6 h en tout
kinda bad.
Évaluation publiée le 30 juin 2018.
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