Breast pump   Harare, Zimbabwe
Helppo ja hygieeninen
Apuna imetyksen ongelmissa
Jäljittelee luonnollista imurytmiä

Ainu Medela Harmony käsikäyttöisessä rintapumppussa on tehokas kaksivaiheinen pumppausteho, joka jäljittelee vauvan luonnollista imurytmiä. Harmony-rintapumppu on ergonomisesti muotoiltu, ja siinä on kevyt kääntökahva. Harmony on myös helppokäyttöinen, sillä se sisältää vähemmän osia kuin muut käsipumput.

Ainutlaatuinen 2-vaiheinen toiminta jäljittelee vauvan luonnollista imurytmiä:

Stimulaatiovaihe = nopea pumppaus, joka käynnistää maitovirran.
Lypsyvaihe = hitaampi pumppausrytmi, joka lypsää maidon hellävaraisesti ja tehokkaasti.
Easy and hygienic
As an aid in breast-feeding problems
Mimics the natural imurytmiä

A un Medela Harmony manually operated breast pump is an efficient two-stage pumping power, which mimics the natural imurytmiä baby. Harmony Breast Pump is ergonomically designed and has a light turning the handle. Harmony is also easy to use because it contains fewer parts than other manual pumps.

A unique 2-step operation mimics baby's natural imurytmiä:

Stimulaatiovaihe = fast pumping, the start of the milk flow.
The stage of lactation = slower pumping rhythm that milked the milk gently and efficiently.
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The Duck 31 Jul, 2016 @ 5:17pm 

Compared to the other to test the pumps, this is a fairly lightweight speaker. True enough votes but it is time to "soft", so it is not terribly disturbing, at least in our sleeping little masters. Washable parts is actually a little bit, so it is easy to operate continuously. You should buy a bottle and / or storage bags at the same time!
Kaalim "انتحار" al-Moghadd 31 Jul, 2016 @ 5:14pm 

Just unimaginable size wheel , ie the part which faces the breast. The tube which is the nipple should be included in a diameter of 24mm in size, and it should not go with anything other than the nipple . Ok , the importer may buy other sizes , but other sizes are either larger or smallest 21mm !!! That is, the smallest size bigger than your thumb !!! And when the nipple is not the size of the pump does not work . For example, Philips AVENT standard size 19mm , and was said to be suitable for the majority of mothers . Not worth the purchase if you do not own enough big nipples .
The Duck 31 Jul, 2016 @ 5:11pm 
-rep hacker, just pumping headshots the whole game