Support the Electronic Frontier Foundation [www.eff.org], "The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation."
--recommendations continue below--

Support these channels:
People Make Games
Game journalism at its best, quality reporting on the multi-faceted and diverse game industry.
Family friendly language but mature topics

Game Maker's Toolkit
Video Essays about game design and game development. Host of the largest game jams on record.
Family friendly

Errant Signal
Excellent reviews and video essays from someone with a unique perspective who looks at many under reported games.
Not always family friendly but always mature.

Second Wind Group
A platform that hosts Ben "Yachtzee" Crosshaw's Fully Ramblomatic, formerly of Zero Punctiuation, perhaps the best known snarky and honest game review channel on the internet.
Not family friendly, not always mature.

Critical Path
Short segmented interviews with many of the gaming industry's most notable or interesting members, concerning many important topics facing the industry and those who work in it.
Family friendly, mature.
總時數 110 小時
最後執行於 2 月 3 日
總時數 304 小時
最後執行於 1 月 30 日
成就進度   60 / 76
總時數 81 小時
最後執行於 1 月 27 日
成就進度   29 / 67